Whole Allergen
Whole Allergen
Whole Allergen
Ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide is commonly used industrially for sterilization of heat sensitive medical devices.
Unexpected exposure
Patients undergoing chronic haemodialysis and those exposed to tubings, syringes and other material sterilized with ethylene oxide.
Environment exposure
Any workplace where ethylene oxide is used in significant amounts. Certain medical wards
Severe allergic symptoms rhinitis, asthma, chest oppression, and urticaria and even anaphylaxis triggered by IgE antibodies to ethylene oxide (1-2) have been reported (3-4). IgE-mediated anaphylaxis mediated by ethylene oxide has been published in patients regularly undergoing haemodialysis and approximately 10% of such patients have been found to have IgE antibodies to ethylene oxide (5-6)
Last Reviewed- April 2022
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