Food allergen test results that can change lives. Available through most national, regional reference, and health system labs.
For laboratorians interested in adding ImmunoCAP test to your test portfolio, explore the ImmunoCAP product catalog.
Found in over 6,000 scientific publications1 and countless health guidelines, ImmunoCAP testing is the gold standard in in-vitro allergy diagnostics2 with over 50 years of research and development.
From the most to the least common food allergens, ImmunoCAP tests offer a multitude of testing options. Browse our Lab Ordering Guide to find ImmunoCAP test codes for the laboratories you use.
ImmunoCAP testing also offers cutting-edge allergen component test options, which measure allergic sensitization to specific proteins or carbohydrates found in whole allergens and gives you a deeper understanding of cross-reactivity, severity, and potential tolerance.3
Food allergies can cause a wide variety of symptoms, sometimes making diagnosis difficult.4
Out of the 35% of patients who self-report having a food allergy, only 3.5% have a true clinical allergy.4
ImmunoCAP testing can help narrow your differential diagnosis and determine whether a patient's gastrointestinal symptoms may be due to allergies.
80% of infants with severe atopic dermatitis suffer from food allergies such as milk, egg white, and sesame.5 ImmunoCAP Specific IgE testing can help provide insight on whether these symptoms are due to food allergies, non-allergic triggers, or something else.
Patients with asthma face an increased risk of severe exacerbations if they also have food allergies,6 and testing can help you prepare patients to avoid certain triggers and construct an asthma management plan.
Nonallergic food-related diseases
ImmunoCAP Specific IgE testing aids in the diagnosis of allergic diseases.7 This is especially helpful to differentiate allergies from non-allergic conditions, such as IBS.4
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The laboratory will process the ImmunoCAP test on Phadia Laboratory Systems.
Assess and interpret ImmunoCAP test results to personalize patient management.
Whether you’re a primary care provider or a specialist, interpretation guides for allergen component test results provide clear guidance on how sensitization to different types of food allergen components may influence the patient management plan.
Specific IgE blood test results should be interpreted in conjunction with the patient’s clinical history and physical examination.8-10 ImmunoCAP blood test results will indicate whether the patient is sensitized (i.e., has IgE antibodies) to specific allergens. However, sensitization to specific allergens does not always indicate a clinical allergy, as sensitization does not always result in symptoms.8,11
Trusted across specialties, ImmunoCAP Specific IgE tests are the gold standard in in-vitro allergy diagnostics,7 which can help optimize outcomes for allergy patients.
Explore what ImmunoCAP tests offer.
For additional info on ImmunoCAP testing, allergies, and/or educational tools and resources, contact our allergy experts.
Tools to aid in your diagnosis and patient management.
1. Data on file
2. Crameri R. The crux with a reliable in vitro and in vivo diagnosis of allergy. Allergy. 2013 Jun;68(6):693-4. doi: 10.1111/all.12177. Epub 2013 Apr 27. PMID: 23621640.
3. Canonica, G.W., et al., A WAO - ARIA - GA(2)LEN consensus document on molecular-based allergy diagnostics. World Allergy Organ J, 2013. 6(1)
4. Onyimba F et al. Food Allergies and Intolerances: A Clinical Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Adverse Reactions to Food. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2021: 1-11
5. Martin PE, Eckert JK, Koplin JJ, Lowe AJ, Gurrin LC, Dharmage SC, Vuillermin P, Tang ML, Ponsonby AL, Matheson M, Hill DJ, Allen KJ; HealthNuts Study Investigators. Which infants with eczema are at risk of food allergy? Results from a population-based cohort. Clin Exp Allergy. 2015 Jan;45(1):255-64. doi: 10.1111/cea.12406. PMID: 25210971.
6. Wang J, Liu AH. Food allergies and asthma. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;11(3):249-254.
7. See Directions for Use: Phadia™ ImmunoCAP™ Specific IgE 0-100; Phadia 250 Laboratory System. Published 2019-10-24.
8. Eigenmann P A, Atanaskovic-Markovic M et al. Testing children for allergies: why, how, who and when: an updated statement of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) Section on Pediatrics and the EAACI-Clemens von Pirquet Foundation. Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2013;24(2):195-209
9. Bousquet J, Anto J M et al. Allergic rhinitis. Nat Rev Dis Primers 2020;6(1):95.
10. Scadding G K, Scadding G W. Diagnosing allergic rhinitis. Immunol Allergy Clin North Am 2016;36(2):249-260
11. Popescu F D, Vieru M. Precision medicine allergy immunoassay methods for assessing immunoglobulin E sensitization to aeroallergen molecules. World J Methodol 2018;8(3):17-36