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EliA Autoimmunity Diagnostics

Helping labs to optimize patient care without sacrificing workflow efficiency.

Bring clinical impact and diagnostic productivity into your lab today.

Standards you’d expect from a
global leader in autoimmunity.


Maximizing clinical credibility

A proper balance of specificity and sensitivity, using diagnostic quality to gain accurate results.1-4


28-day calibration curve

Save time and optimize efficiency with a unique calibration system (with one calibration curve per method stored for 28 days) and ready-to-use reagents.5-7

Quality control means controlling quality

EliA™ tests consistently provide high-quality antigens thanks to our complete control of antigen manufacturing, storage, and shipment.

Browse our greater offerings.

Patients may not know our name,
But with EliA diagnostics they’ll remember yours.

Discover how EliA tests can help you elevate patient outcomes while improving lab efficiency.

Let's talk EliA tests

Reinforce your portfolio’s clinical credibility.
EliA diagnostics includes assays backed by clinical research.

"The 2023 ACR/EULAR APS classification criteria includes... solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for IgG/IgM anticardiolipin and/or IgG/IgM anti–ß2-glycoprotein I antibodies.”

- The American College of Rheumatology8
“Recent data indicate that the anti-CCP test is not only highly specific, but also very useful for early diagnosis [of rheumatoid arthritis]”

- Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine9
“Serologic testing for [celiac disease] should consist of measuring TTG IgA while on a regular (gluten-containing) diet and, if the patient has not previously been tested for IgA deficiency, concurrent measurement of total IgA”

- American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines10

Ran on the epitome of workflow efficiency…
Phadia Laboratory Systems

Phadia 250 Instrument

Reliability meets versatility on the Phadia 250 system, which runs EliA tests and ImmunoCAP tests.

Meet the Phadia 250 system

Phadia 2500+ Series*

The Phadia 2500+ Series meets the demand for high throughput.

Meet the Phadia 2500+

*The Phadia 2500+ comprises the Phadia 2500, Phadia 2500E, and Phadia 2500EE instruments.

Already have a Phadia Laboratory System?

Combine Helios® Automated IFA Systems with Phadia Laboratory Systems and optimize your autoimmune workflow. These two highly compatible systems offer labs the opportunity to easily automate the detection of ANA and quickly reflex to identify which specific markers may be associated with results.

Become the lab that clinicians trust and patients value.

  1. Cockx M, Van Hoovels L, De Langhe E, Lenaerts J, Thevissen K, Persy B, et al. Laboratory evaluation of anti-dsDNA antibodies. Clin Chim Acta. 2022;528:34-43. 
  2. Mathsson Alm L, Fountain DL, Cadwell KK, Madrigal AM, Gallo G, Poorafshar M. The performance of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide assays in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2018;36(1):144-52.
  3. Orme ME, Andalucia C, Sjolander S, Bossuyt X. A comparison of a fluorescence enzyme immunoassay versus indirect immunofluorescence for initial screening of connective tissue diseases: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2018;32(4):521-34.
  4. Werkstetter KJ, Korponay-Szabo IR, Popp A, Villanacci V, Salemme M, Heilig G, et al. Accuracy in Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Without Biopsies in Clinical Practice. Gastroenterology. 2017;153(4):924-35.
  5. Phadia® 250 User Manual 12-3904-01/EN Edition 2.2. published 2017 Sep.
  6. Phadia® 1000 User Manual 12-3803-01/EN Edition 2.6. published 2020 July
  7. Phadia® 2500 and Phadia 5000® User Manual EN Edition 1.1. published 2012 March
  8. Barbhaiya M et al. ACR/EULAR APS Classification Criteria Collaborators. The 2023 ACR/EULAR Antiphospholipid Syndrome Classification Criteria. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2023 Oct;75(10):1687-1702. doi: 10.1002/art.42624. Epub 2023 Aug 28. PMID: 37635643.
  9. Bizzaro, Nicola. “Antibodies to citrullinated peptides: a significant step forward in the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.” Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine vol.45,2 (2007): 150-7
  10. Rubio-Tapia, A., Hill, I. D., Semrad, C., Kelly, C. P., Greer, K. B., Limketkai, B. N., & Lebwohl, B. (2023). American College of Gastroenterology Guidelines Update: Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 118(1), 59-76.