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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Width (English) Interior | Width (Metric) Interior |
51025411 | 4 ft. | 1.2 m |
51025413 | 6 ft. | 1.8 m |
51028225 | 2.95 ft. | 0.9 m |
51028226 | 4.92 ft. | 1.5 m |
Thermo Scientific™ MSC-Advantage™ Class II Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) combine safety and extraordinary value with energy efficiency, reliability and usability. With proprietary airflow design and energy-efficient DC motors, the MSC-Advantage BSCs use up to 68% less energy than cabinets with traditional AC motors. The cabinets provide both personal and product protection from biological hazards and contamination while affording users with a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. Cabinets are certified to EN 12469 safety standard.
The MSC-Advantage biological safety is available in 4 sizes and can be connected to an external exhaust to provide protection for trace amounts of volatile toxic chemicals that are sometimes used in the cabinet.
Ordering Information:
Please order separately: Stand options, programmable UV light, one-piece work tray, ergonomic stool, free-standing floor shelf. Not available for sale in North America (equivalent model: 1300 Series A2 Biological Safety Cabinets).