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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Achieve scientific breakthroughs with TaqMan Assays: Access ready-to-use assays with a performance guarantee, backed by extensive citations and a collection of 20 million assays.
Applied Biosystems TaqMan Assays are the preferred choice for 5' nuclease qPCR assays in the industry. With over 20 million predesigned assays available, these ready-to-use assays come with a performance guarantee and eliminate the need for additional design or optimization. With a remarkable track record of over 296K citations, TaqMan Assays provide the specificity, sensitivity, and reproducibility required for successful research.
For our standard search experience, use the search bar below. If you are new to TaqMan Assays or just want step-by-step guidance, use the TaqMan Assay Search Wizard.
To start your search, enter keywords such as gene symbol or name, RefSeq number, disease, pathway, or TaqMan Assay ID number. Choose application and species to further refine your search.
We currently offer more than 20 million predesigned TaqMan Assays to address nearly every qPCR application.
Can’t find what you need from our portfolio of predesigned assays? Use our TaqMan Custom Design Assay Tool to easily design your own assay based on your target sequence of interest or submit the primer/probe sequences of your own design. Each custom assay is a mix of forward primer, reverse primer, and FAM and/or VIC dye-labeled TaqMan MGB probe.
Design your own TaqMan primer and probe sets from your choice of dye-labeled TaqMan MGB, TAMRA, or QSY custom probes and Applied Biosystems unlabeled, sequence detection primers.
Additionally, you have the option to customize assays through our Specialty service or utilize Thermo Fisher's manufacturing infrastructure for GMP oligos or OEM and contract manufacturing services.
Find TaqMan predesigned gene expression assays relevant to your disease research area.
Search publications with TaqMan predesigned assays relevant to your disease research area.
Find TaqMan predesigned SNP genotyping assays for genetic variants associated with your disease of interest.
Tubes | TaqMan Array cards & plates | OpenArray | |
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Individual tubes or tube sets available in XS, S, M, L | 96- and 384-well plates with pre-spotted assays | 384-well microfluidic cards with pre-spotted assays | 3,072 through-holes with pre-spotted assays |
High flexibility for low throughput studies | Supports automation for medium-to-high throughput projects | Easy and convenient–no robotics needed | Higher throughput for routine applications or larger projects |
Available for both predesigned and custom designed assays. | Offered in a variety of content options:
| Available in off-the-shelf, inventoried arrays as well as made-to-order with total flexibility using predesigned and/or custom assays. |
Looking to commercialize? Contact our OEM services team today ›
If a TaqMan Assay doesn't perform as described on our website or datasheet, we'll replace the product at no cost to you or provide you with a credit for a future purchase.
Explore the full breadth of our Applied Biosystems real-time PCR offering ›
Whether you're new to real-time PCR, also called quantitative PCR (qPCR), or want to learn about new applications for real-time PCR, we have the learning material, including videos and webinars, to help you understand the technology and get started quickly.
One resource for all your real-time PCR support needs. Navigate through the qPCR application areas to obtain relevant technical information, view tips and tricks when starting an experiment, and find answers to everyday qPCR problems.
Access the files you need for your TaqMan assay, array card, and array plate products.
If you have plans to commercialize, you’re likely on a strict timeline. Therefore, you'll want to work with our Genetic Sciences OEM and commercial supply team to ensure you get the:
...and more.
Our Business Development Managers are your dedicated partners to help you avoid unnecessary delays due to not having the right information at the start of your commercialization journey. By working together, we can help you stay on track to hit your targets.
Whether you are looking for a strategic partnership, secondary sourcing, tailor-made solutions, or something else; the right OEM partner can support your innovation from discovery to commercialization. Read more on the OEMpowered blog or visit our webpage at the link below.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.