Explore GeneChip-compatible Software for Exon-level AnalysisWith approximately four probes per exon and roughly 40 probes per gene, the GeneChip™ Human Exon 1.0 ST Array enables two complementary levels of analysis—gene expression and alternative splicing. Multiple probes per exon enable 'exon-level' analysis and allow you to distinguish between different isoforms of a gene. This exon-level analysis on a whole-genome scale opens the door to detecting specific alterations in exon usage that may play a central role in disease mechanism and etiology. The second level is 'gene-level' expression analysis, in which multiple probes on different exons are summarized into an expression value of all transcripts from the same gene. Exon arrays provide the most comprehensive coverage of the genome, including empirically supported and predicted transcribed sequences, enabling the discovery of previously unidentified novel events.
Features of this integrated solution include:• Highest resolution expression analysis, interrogating over 1 million exon clusters within the known and predicted transcribed regions of the entire genome.
Read more• Tailored GeneChip Whole Transcript (WT) Assay and Reagents utilizing a random priming method for generating sense targets along the entire length of the transcripts.
• Flexible data analysis solutions and comprehensive annotation, giving you the opportunity to explore and dissect the data in various user-defined workflows.
Learn MoreExplore the Exon Array DesignGeneChip Exon Array Sample DataTechnical Note, Array Design for the Human Exon 1.0 ST Array (pdf, 348 KB)Technical Note, Identifying and Validating Alternative Splicing EventsXRAY demos for exon expression analysisView a two-minute demo on a typical workflow using Biotique's XRAY for the analysis of GeneChip Exon Arrays
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QuicktimeView a two-minute demo on the interpretation of GeneChip; Exon Array data from Biotique's XRAY
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