Particulate Detection

Particulate Detection

Engineered devices and accessories designed specifically for detecting and monitoring air contaminants in industrial and environmental applications; monitoring units available include personal-level styles and large area ambient air style.
Products (29)
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29 Products
  • Particulate Detection Monitors (25)
    Air Monitoring Systems (3)
    Air Sampling Pumps (1)
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1405 TEOM™ Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor
Take continuous direct mass measurements of particulates using a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) with the Thermo Scientific™ 1405 TEOM™ Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor. This monitor measures TSP, PM-10, PM-2.
PDM3700 Personal Dust Monitor
PDM3700 Personal Dust Monitor Thermo Scientific™
Monitor real-time coal dust exposure with a respirable, personal dust monitor designed specifically for U.S. based mining applications. The Thermo Scientific™ PDM3700 Personal Dust Monitor is equipped with waterproof battery protection, PC-based software for data downloading and reporting, integral...
Model 5028i Continuous Particulate Monitor
Conduct simultaneous, real-time measurement of PM10 and PM2.5 and benefit from lower maintenance requirements with the Thermo Scientific™ Model 5028i Continuous Particulate Monitor. The unit combines dual channel sampling technology and beta attenuation analysis on the proven iSeries platform to...
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)
Comply with US EPA guidelines while meeting your own specific monitoring needs with the customizable Thermo Scientific™ Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems. These continuous stack emission monitoring system are designed to meet US EPA 40CFR Parts 60 and 75 standards while providing unsurpassed...
personal DataRAM™ pDR-1000AN Monitor
This product has been discontinued; this includes the discontinuation of spare/replacement parts and all service and support.
Personal DataRAM™ pDR-1500 Aerosol Monitor
The Thermo Scientific™ Personal DataRAM pDR-1500 Portable Monitor is a fully integrated, real-time, high precision sampling instrument that provides maximum ease-of-use and increased operating time.
5014i Beta Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor
Measure PM-10, PM-2.5 or PM-1 mass concentrations with the Thermo Scientific™ 5014i Beta Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor. The 5014i distinguishes itself from other beta measurement methods by utilizing a continuous (non-step wise) mass measurement with a proven industry standard which...
ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor
ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor Thermo Scientific™
Easily transport and install the real-time, ambient Thermo Scientific™ ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor for continuous monitoring.
1405-D TEOM™ Continuous Dichotomous Ambient Particulate Monitor
Simultaneously measure PM Fine (PM-2.5), PM Coarse, and PM-10 mass concentrations with the Thermo Scientific™ TEOM™ 1405-D Continuous Ambient Particulate Monitor. This monitor utilizes a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) for measurements with excellent short-term precision.
ChemComb™ 3500 Cartridge
ChemComb™ 3500 Cartridge Thermo Scientific™
Collect gases and particulate matter for laboratory analysis with the Thermo Scientific™ ChemComb 3500 Speciation Collection Cartridge. This flexible sampling device is made up of a single cartridge, which contains a well-characterized inlet with a PM-2.
Continuous Emissions Monitoring System for Total Reduced Sulfur
Measure total reduced sulfur (TRS) using field-proven, pulsed fluorescence technology with Thermo Scientific™ Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS). Designed to meet the needs of the pulp and paper industry in complying with the regulatory requirements of 40 CFR part 60 as set forth by the...
AerosolSense™ Sampler
AerosolSense™ Sampler Thermo Scientific™
The Thermo Scientific™ AerosolSense™ Sampler paired with PCR testing, is a new pathogen surveillance solution designed to deliver timely and highly reliable insight into in-air pathogen presence for monitoring and improving facility safety protocols.
Partisol™ 2000i-D  Dichotomous Air Sampler
Simultaneously collect high-quality samples of fine and coarse ambient particulate matter (PM) with the Thermo Scientific™ Partisol™ 2000i-D Dichotomous Air Sampler. Developed on the renowned iSeries software platform design, this sampler features USB ports for improved data downloads, and exchanged...
8500 Filter Dynamics Measurement System
Measure the amount of volatile and non-volatile components of ambient particulate matter as a mass concentration result with the Thermo Scientific™ 8500 Filter Dynamics Measurement System, which is a conditioning system for use with the Thermo Scientific™ TEOM™ 1400ab Ambient Particulate Monitor.
Partisol™ 2000-FRM Ambient Particulate Sampler
This product has been discontinued however we continue to provide services and support for this product.
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Learn More (65)
Continuously and reliably monitor particulates in ambient air using advanced air sampling technology. Measure critical regulatory parameters including PM-10 and PM-2.5 mass concentration as it exists in ambient air.
Particulate matter monitoring systems that employ tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOM) technology are “gravimetric” instruments that draw (then heat) ambient air through a filter at a constant flow rate, continuously weighing the filter and calculating near real-time mass concentrations...
Documents & Support (76)
What is the purpose of performing pre-enrichment on food samples for isolation of DNA with PrepMan Ultra reagents?
I am seeing high background following RNA hybridization. What could be causing this?