Spectrometers that detect, identify, and quantify molecules within samples based on molecular mass-to-charge ratio after ionization. Mass spectrometers employ various ionization methods and can be used in tandem with different separation techniques.
Type: Orbitrap LC-MS. Dynamic Range: >5000:1 within one spectrum. Scan Rates: Up to 40 Hz at resolution setting of 7500 at m/z 200. Analog Inputs: One (1) analog input (0-1 V), One (1) analog (0-10 V).
Obtain high confidence insights for very complex molecules with the Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Eclipse™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer. It combines industry-leading versatility and usability with the exceptional performance afforded by its built-in intelligence and revolutionary Thermo Scientific™...
Type: Orbitrap LC-MS. Dynamic Range: >5000:1 within a single Orbitrap mass analyzer spectrum. Mass Range: 40 to 3000 m/z. Mass Accuracy: External calibration achieves <3 ppm RMS drift over 24 hours, Internal lock mass calibration achieves <1 ppm RMS drift over 24 hours, EASY-IC achieves <1 ppm RMS drift for at least 5 days.
Extract high-precision isotope ratio information from your samples with the Thermo Scientific™ Triton™ Series Multicollector Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS). The Thermo Scientific™ Triton™ XT TIMS integrates the established field-proven technologies from the Triton Series instruments...
Mass Range: 15 to 200 m/z, 50 to 2000 m/z, 200 to 4000 m/z. Resolution: 0.15 FWHM, 0.3 FWHM, 0.45 FWHM, 0.7 FWHM, 3 FWHM Scan Rates: MSn for n . Polarity Switching: <100 msec between positive and negative MS Scan Power.
Type: Triple Quadrupole LC-MS. Mass Range: 2 to 3000 m/z. For Use With (Application): Pharmaceutical, Environmental, Food Safety, Clinical Research, Forensic Toxicology. For Use With (Equipment): OptaMax NG ion source, VeriSpray PaperSpray ion source.
Excel at the most challenging of applications, including low level PTM analysis, multiplexed relative quantitation using isobaric tags, intact protein characterization, as well as MSn analysis of small molecules with the new Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Fusion™ Lumos™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer.
Type: BioPharma Platform. Dynamic Range: >5000:1. Mass Range: 50 to 8000 m/z. Mass Accuracy: Internal: <1 ppm RMS, External: <3 ppm RMS under defined conditions.
Type: Cold Plasma Lens Kit. Description: Cold Plasma Lens Kit for iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems. For Use With (Equipment): iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems.
High quality, dependable Thermo Scientific™ CETAC™ autosampler accessories make lab work easier and more productive. CETAC™ Autosampler Sample Trays feature ribs on the bottom to hold the sample vial racks securely in place.
Maximize product yield and increase profitabilitywith process mass spectrometry analysis. Process gas analyzers are engineered to meet a number of challenging process applications in the petrochemical, iron and steel, and biotechnology industries.
Built on revolutionary Thermo Scientific Tribrid architecture that combines the best of quadrupole, Orbitrap, and linear ion trap mass analyzers, Orbitrap Tribrid mass spectrometers enable high throughput analyses of challenging samples.
White Paper: Simultaneous Quantitation and Discovery (SQUAD) analysis: Combining targeted and untargeted metabolomics on Orbitrap-based mass spectrometers