Additional Cell Culture Reagents and Supplements

Reagents designed to encourage the growth and expansion of specific cell lines and support analytical cellular and cell-associated analyses.
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A part of kit used to prepare fully supplemented Gibco AmnioMAX C-100 Complete Medium developed for short term culture of human amniotic fluid cells for cytogenetic studies and in vitro diagnostic procedures
PBS Tablets Gibco™
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) is a balanced salt formulation used for a variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells before dissociation, transporting cells or tissue, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents.
An autoclaved, high purity, low melting point gel designed for plaque assays and the purification of baculovirus
The most cited neuronal cell culture supplement, B-27 Supplement is an optimized serum-free supplement used to support the low- or high-density growth and short- or long-term viability of embryonic, post-natal, and adult hippocampal and other CNS neurons.
G-5 Supplement (100X)
Glucose, powder
KaryoMAX™ Colcemid™ Solution in HBSS
Routinely used as a cell stain to assess cell viability using the dye exclusion test
Gibco GlutaMAX Supplement is an alternative to L-glutamine, with increased stability that improves cell health.
B-27™ Electrophysiology Kit
Bovine Albumin Fraction V (7.5% solution)
A zwitterionic organic chemical buffering agent commonly used in cell culture media
Chemically Defined Lipid Concentrate
Transferrin, Bovine (APO form), lyophilized
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Learn More (1,442)
Designed to deliver reproducibility, Gibco cell culture reagents are infused with quality, customer-focused innovation, and service excellence from beginning to end. From the most basic formulations to the newest innovations, Gibco products offer exceptional quality, consistency, and performance—for...
Our hepatic cell culture reagents help ensure the success of your metabolism studies. They have been optimized for use with our hepatocyte products by our scientific team allowing for the highest quality results.
Documents & Support (1,483)
Is CytoVista 3D Cell Culture Clearing Reagent (Cat. No. V11315, V11326) compatible with 3D cell culture matrices like Matrigel matrix (Corning)?
Can spheroids or organoids be imaged and stored in CytoVista 3D Cell Culture Clearing Reagents (Cat. Nos. V11315, V11326)?