Nov 14, 2018 - Nov 15, 2018
Nantes, France
Food integrity testing matters

Featured solutions

Thermo Fisher Scientific has advanced instrumentation that can help in the area of food adulteration to determine the known and unknown contaminants of the food and beverage product. Our portfolio of solutions help government agencies and contract laboratories determine if a particular product has been adulterated and ensure that labs are at the forefront for food integrity analysis.

Previous years

TRUST your foods are all they should be.

Trust your food is all it should be

Today’s food products and ingredients may be sourced from a single supplier or from suppliers and manufacturers worldwide. Labeling regulations exist to verify the authenticity and origins of these products as they are exported around the globe. Regrettably, recurring food fraud scandals highlight the need for improved and better monitoring of food products for food integrity, whether intentional, adulterated, or fraudulent.

Visit us to find out how Thermo Fisher Scientifics unique portfolio of innovative technology is being used to address the challenges the industry faces.

Don’t miss our oral talk and poster presentations!

Oral talk

Title: Food Integrity with Isotope Fingerprints: unlocking the truth
Speaker: Chris Brodie – Thermo Fisher Scientific
Date: May 10 – Parallel Afternoon Session (A) Rapid & Confirmatory analytical solutions | 16:35-16:55

Fraud in food and beverage products include misrepresentation or tampering with packaging and labelling; adulteration, normally replacing a higher quality, original material with one of lesser quality one or extending a product by adding an adulterant; and falsification of product origin. Increased complexity in the food and beverage supply chain has provided greater opportunity for economically motivated food and beverage fraud. Consequently, legislation has been enacted globally to protect food and beverage products with respect to production processes and product labelling. The combination of legislation and food fraud practices demand a reliable, high throughput and cost effective analytical technique that can identify food and beverage products that are not what they are claimed to be.

Poster presentations

  • Detection of Gelatin Adulteration using Bio-informatics, Proteomics and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  • HPAE-PAD Determination of Carbohydrates in Honey to Evaluate Samples for Quality and Adulteration
  • Target Peptide Identification for the Mass Spectrometric Detection of Soy Proteins in Food Matrices
  • A Data-Dependent Workflow for Selection of Peptide Targets for Robust Detection of Allergens in Difficult  Food Matrices
  • Developing a Targeted Parallel Reaction Monitoring Method for the Detection of Milk-Derived Ingredients in Complex Matrices
  • A Fast Method for Sugar Analysis of Instant Coffee Sample
  • Nitrogen/Protein Determination by FlashSmart Elemental Analyzer for Food Quality and Labeling
  • Food and Beverage Fraud Prevention Using Isotope Fingerprints
  • From The Ocean to the Table. An Integrated Mass Spectrometry Approach to Identify the Fish That Is In Your Plate
  • Determination of Meat Authenticity Using a Comprehensive Targeted Proteomic Strategy and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
  • Charged Aerosol Detection for LC analysis of triglycerides in extra-virgin olive oil  - Poster presented in partnership with Prof. Lanfranco Conte, University of Udine
Food Integrity

Did you know that Thermo Fisher Scientific is part of the Project 'Food Integrity' in the WP18?

Improving comprehensive artificial intelligence, validation and harmonization methods, as 'functional bridge' between untargeted analytical approaches and tracking/authentication of food within the Food Integrity field (INTELLItrace).