Nov 05, 2017 - Nov 09, 2017
International Convention Center Jeju | 2700 Jungmun, Seogwipo, Jeju 63547, Korea
HPLC 2017 Jeju

If you were not able to attend HPLC 2017 Jeju or missed one of our presentations then please check out the resources below. You’ll be able to download our seminar and oral presentations.


6th Nov
10:55 – 11:15

Interface to Mass Spectrometry

Enhancing Analytical Confidence and Detection Limits for IC and LC Applications by Coupling Them to Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

Semyonov, Alexander N. Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


6th Nov
13:45 - 14:00


A New And Fresh Approach To LC-MS And IC-MS Method Development Challenges (Electro-Spray-Interface Settings).

Semyonov, Alexander N. Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


7th Nov.
9:30 – 9:45

Pharmaceutical Analysis 1

Multimode Chromatography
A Tailorable Platform For Challenging Separations

Xiaodong Liu, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


9th Nov
9:35 - 9:50


Analysis of N-Glycans Derived From Glycoproteins ‒ HPAE-PAD Versus Mixed-Mode Liquid Chromatography

Joachim Weiss, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany


9th Nov.
8:55 – 9:10

Column Technologies

Novel Selectivity Anion-Exchange Materials Based on Electrostatically Attached Hyperbranched Condensation Polymers.

Christoper Pohl, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

Luncheon Seminars


6th Nov. (Mon)


Enhancements For Improved Routine Impurity AnalysisHalla Hall

Alex N. Semyonov
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

6th Nov. (Mon)


Innovation in Sample Preparation – SPE and Protein DigestionHalla Hall

Xiaodong Liu
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

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 Please confirm you would like to receive marketing and promotional email messages about Thermo Fisher Scientific™ products and services.

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Revolutionalize Your Separation Technology

Come join us in this special session and learn from our expert in innovative chromatography technologies and techniques to improve your laboratory analysis

Thermo Fisher Session on 8th Wed. morning 10:30am – 12pm.

Venue: Samda Hall B

Time   TitleSpeaker
10:30 – 10:50  LC-MS: Marriage of Orthogonal-Selectivity Liquid chromatography with the Power of Single Quad Selectivity

Alexander N. Semyonov
Product Manager, Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

10:50 – 11:10Advanced Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography Technologies for Comprehensive and Efficient Proteomic Analyses.

Hangyeore Lee
Department of Chemistry, Korea University

11:10 – 11:30Packing Materials with Small Particle Diameters and their Impact on Speed and Resolution in HPLC and IC Applications

Joachim Weiss
Technical Director, Chromatography Products
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany

11:30 – 11:50Multimode Chromatography for Separations of Highly Polar Analytes

Xiaodong Liu
Director, Research & Development Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

11:50 – 12:10New Columns for Ion Chromatography and Carbohydrate Analysis

Christopher Pohl
Vice President, Chromatography Chemistry
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

But it’s not all about learning. Have fun and experience beautiful Jeju Island through official excursion.

FREEHPLC offical excursion coupon will be given by Thermo Fisher Scientific to the first 100 customer that register in this exclusive session(1st come, 1st serve) coupon must be collected at our booth latest by 7th Nov Tue, 12.00pm. *Coupon must be stamped via this exclusive session in order to be valid.


Please fill out the form to download:

 Please confirm you would like to receive marketing and promotional email messages about Thermo Fisher Scientific™ products and services.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.


6th Nov
10:55 – 11:15

Interface to Mass Spectrometry

Enhancing Analytical Confidence and Detection Limits for IC and LC Applications by Coupling Them to Single Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry

Semyonov, Alexander N. Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


6th Nov
13:45 - 14:00


A New And Fresh Approach To LC-MS And IC-MS Method Development Challenges (Electro-Spray-Interface Settings).

Semyonov, Alexander N. Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


7th Nov.
9:30 – 9:45

Pharmaceutical Analysis 1

Multimode Chromatography
A Tailorable Platform For Challenging Separations

Xiaodong Liu, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA


9th Nov
9:35 - 9:50


Analysis of N-Glycans Derived From Glycoproteins ‒ HPAE-PAD Versus Mixed-Mode Liquid Chromatography

Joachim Weiss, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany


9th Nov.
8:55 – 9:10

Column Technologies

Novel Selectivity Anion-Exchange Materials Based on Electrostatically Attached Hyperbranched Condensation Polymers.

Christoper Pohl, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

Luncheon Seminars


6th Nov. (Mon)


Enhancements For Improved Routine Impurity AnalysisHalla Hall

Alex N. Semyonov
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

6th Nov. (Mon)


Innovation in Sample Preparation – SPE and Protein DigestionHalla Hall

Xiaodong Liu
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

Please fill out the form to download:

 Please confirm you would like to receive marketing and promotional email messages about Thermo Fisher Scientific™ products and services.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.


Revolutionalize Your Separation Technology

Come join us in this special session and learn from our expert in innovative chromatography technologies and techniques to improve your laboratory analysis

Thermo Fisher Session on 8th Wed. morning 10:30am – 12pm.

Venue: Samda Hall B

Time   TitleSpeaker
10:30 – 10:50  LC-MS: Marriage of Orthogonal-Selectivity Liquid chromatography with the Power of Single Quad Selectivity

Alexander N. Semyonov
Product Manager, Mass Spectrometry
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

10:50 – 11:10Advanced Ultrahigh Pressure Liquid Chromatography Technologies for Comprehensive and Efficient Proteomic Analyses.

Hangyeore Lee
Department of Chemistry, Korea University

11:10 – 11:30Packing Materials with Small Particle Diameters and their Impact on Speed and Resolution in HPLC and IC Applications

Joachim Weiss
Technical Director, Chromatography Products
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany

11:30 – 11:50Multimode Chromatography for Separations of Highly Polar Analytes

Xiaodong Liu
Director, Research & Development Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

11:50 – 12:10New Columns for Ion Chromatography and Carbohydrate Analysis

Christopher Pohl
Vice President, Chromatography Chemistry
Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA

But it’s not all about learning. Have fun and experience beautiful Jeju Island through official excursion.

FREEHPLC offical excursion coupon will be given by Thermo Fisher Scientific to the first 100 customer that register in this exclusive session(1st come, 1st serve) coupon must be collected at our booth latest by 7th Nov Tue, 12.00pm. *Coupon must be stamped via this exclusive session in order to be valid.


Please fill out the form to download:

 Please confirm you would like to receive marketing and promotional email messages about Thermo Fisher Scientific™ products and services.

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.