Go Beyond - The Pioneers of Omics

The Pioneers of Omics webinars

Join this new series of presentations at the forefront of omics research

Pioneers of Omics is a new, ongoing event series designed to celebrate the important contributions of young, early career researchers in the exciting fields of multi-omics. Each session will take a particular field of omics research and showcase some of the exciting research being undertaken from around the world.

Topics include viral proteomics and how this research aids in vaccine development, cancer proteomics, single cell proteomics, native mass spectrometry for structural biology, multiplex proteomics, artificial intelligence, metabolomics and many more.

Recordings from recent sessions: 

On-demand: Biomarker discovery and validation in biological fluids 
Advances in sample handling and preparation combined with advanced technology and intelligent software systems to change the way biomarker discovery is being performed. Presenters: R. Bruderer, C. Jacquemin, I. Roberts, S.D. Bhosdale

On-demand: Metabolomics approaches for systems biology 
Valuable insights into systems biology can be gained by developing a better understanding of the metabolomic an lipidomic pathways to complement the proteomics analysis.
Presenters: Univ. Prof. Dr. G. Koellensperger, E. Rampler, C. Coman, M. Wright Muela, T. Damiani

On-demand: A new nano UHPLC for omics and biopharma 
Showcasing the new Thermo Scientific Vanquish Neo UHPLC system, followed by a discussion on the first impressions of the system. Presenters: N. Berner, A. Boychenko

On-demand: Das neue Nano-UHPLC System für Omics und Biopharma 
Vorstellung des neuen  Vanquish Neo UHPLC Systems und Diskussion der  ersten Eindrücke und Erfahrungen mit diesem Gerät. Session in German
Presenters: K. Mechtler, M. Samonig

On-demand: Interactomics/Spatial omics 
An understanding of the heterogeneity of protein interactions within a cell is vital to understanding the biology. Presenters: T. Alexandrov, M. Matzinger, A. Chernobrovkin, A. Ori, E. Villanueva

On-demand: Cancer research - towards personalized medicine
The potential to provide precise treatments through the focus of personalized medicine offers hope for the future in the treatment of cancers. Presenters: T. Geiger, N. Rattray, J. Sampaio

On-demand: Native MS for intact protein analysis
The challenge of studying intact proteins and protein complexes in their biological state is one that has been met in recent years by the development of native mass spectrometry. Presenters: O. Hale, T. El-Baba, C. Lutomiski

On-demand: Artificial intelligence in proteomics
Find out more about the enhancement enabling more efficient data acquisition schemes for increased sample throughput and instrument utilization. Presenters: Prof. Dr. M. Wilhelm, Dr. M. Fejno, K. Mechtler


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The Pioneers of Omics series continues. More dates will be added soon.

Omics virtual events:

Select from 10 webinars highlighting recent advancements in products and workflows methodologies to enable cutting-edge research in proteomics and metabolomics.

Metabolomics session topics

  • Thermo Scientific AcquireX data acquisition workflow data acquisition workflow extends productivity to all small-molecule applications
  • Structural Elucidation of unknown, small molecule analytes using intelligent data acquisition and multi-stage fragmentation
  • Targeted metabolomics to uncover a wide variety of compounds in a sensitive, robust and reproducibly quantitative assay
  • IC, GC and LC Chromatographic solutions to give broader reach in metabolomics studies
  • Thermo Scientific Compound Discoverer software, a toolbox for compound identification using online and local fragmentation spectral libraries

Proteomics session topics

  • Cross-linking strategies for stabilising protein structure to better understand how proteins affect biological processes
  • Data independent acquisition (DIA) for single shot proteome profiling of clinical samples  
  • Native mass spectrometry (Native MS) enables the study of intact protein, non-covalent protein-protein and protein-ligand complexes in their biological state
  • Targeted proteomics strategies to achieve the highest sensitivity and throughput for hundreds or thousands of samples
  • Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer software – discover the latest updates to identify and quantify proteins in complex biological samples

The Power of Proteomics | Available on-demand

Throughout 2020, we partnered with industry-leading experts and academia to share the latest in Omics research. From hosting multiple webinar series to launching our own virtual events, our extensive range of education content ranges from viral proteomics, cancer pathway proteomics as well as single-cell proteomics, native mass spectrometry, and much more.

The virtual event hosted a series of presentations from industry experts, a dedicated poster hall, and five virtual booths.

Presentation topics include:

  • Understanding virus-host interaction
  • How to identify cancer immune response pathway
  • Use of single-cell proteomics, multiplex proteomics, native MS for structural analysis and artificial intelligence for mass analysis of proteins from any organism

Register using the form below.

HUPO Connect | Available on-demand

As part of our gold sponsorship at the 2020 HUPO Connect, we hosted a virtual seminar session that features two presentations.

Accelerating COVID proteomics research using Tandem Mass Tags

Presenter: Ryan Bomgarden, Ph.D. | Senior Manager, Research & Development | Thermo Fisher Scientific

COVID-19, a disease caused by a novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is responsible for a global pandemic that has affected tens of millions of people worldwide. Upon infection with the virus, patients exhibit a wide variety of symptoms ranging from asymptomatic to severe organ damage and systemic inflammation which can result in death.

Identifying the underlying differences between patients and their response to infection is paramount to determining effective treatments and predicting disease outcomes. Proteomic profiling using Tandem Mass Tags (TMT) is one technology that enables precise measurement of protein abundances from different patient samples and/or treatments.

This seminar highlights recent advances in TMT reagent workflows and their use in recent applications to measure SARS-CoV-2 viral particle expression over time, changes in host cell signaling upon infection, differences in immune responses of mild COVID-19 versus severe cases, and identify potential drug targets and off-targets.

Register using the form below.

Presenter: Lars Plate | Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biological Sciences | Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Human coronaviruses (hCoV) are an increasing global health threat, as evident by the 2002 SARS epidemic caused by SARS-CoV-1, the 2012 MERS outbreak, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. Despite high protein sequence similarity between SARS-CoV-1 and -2, each strain displays distinctive virulence. A better understanding of the basic molecular mechanisms mediating changes in pathogenicity of different hCoV strains is needed to develop antiviral therapeutics.

Here, we profile the virus-host protein-protein interactions of several hCoV non-structural proteins (nsps) that are critical for virus replication. We use tandem mass tag (TMT)-multiplexed quantitative proteomics to sensitively compare and contrast the interactome of nsp2 and nsp4 from three betacoronavirus strains: SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, as well as OC43 – a less pathogenic endemic strain associated with the common cold. This approach enabled us to identify conserved host cell binding partners that may be critical for infection. For example, we identified common nsp2 and nsp4 interactors involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium signaling and mitochondrial biogenesis, suggesting a new functional role for these proteins in modulating host processes at ER-mitochondria contact sites.  At the same time, we identified interactors unique to each strain, such as an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex for SARS-CoV-1 nsp4. Using the enhanced multiplexing capacity of TMTpro, we have now extended our comparative interactomics workflow to other hCoV nsps and additional virus strains.

Our results can reveal unknown roles these hCoV proteins play in the infection cycle, as well as host factors that may mediate the divergent pathogenicity between endemic and epidemic strains. Importantly, the identified common host-dependencies may present new targets for exploration by host-directed antiviral therapeutics.

Register using the form below.

On-demand: Register to view the 2020 Power of Proteomics and 2020 HUPO Connect recorded sessions

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