Proteomics laboratories have made cutting edge mass spectrometry (MS) technology available to their research communities to tackle complex biological and medical questions. But biology is quantitative and research bottlenecks have made the need for quantitative proteomics applications increasingly apparent.
This webinar will describe the need for widely accessible MS platforms that go beyond simple peptide/protein identification, show proven precision and accuracy, and are able to provide quantitative measurements of hundreds of samples per week for larger scale studies routinely and reproducibly.
The speaker will present common proteomics applications that core labs provide on a daily basis, and describe a new solution - the compact, HRAM Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometer, with versatile applications/workflows and operational simplicity to quickly and reliably deliver fast turnaround times from sample to results.
Learn about:
- Technologies required for broadest proteome coverage for protein identification
- Quantitative strategies for high precision and accuracy for both relative and targeted quantitation
- Optimized methods to save time switching between applications
- Innovations that deliver operational simplicity for calibration and maintenance