In this webcast, we introduce the new Process Based Modeling add-on for Thermo Scientific PerGeos Software. Based on thin section images and petrographical data, this add-on generates 3D images from a number of parameters estimated from 2D thin section images.

Watch this webcast to learn you can:

  • Simulate the natural processes of forming sedimentary rocks
  • Generate 3D models from thin sections and 2D images
  • Compute petrophysical properties and multiphase flow results from 2D images

Gwenolé Tallec


Gwenolé Tallec 
Product expert
Thermo Fisher Scientific

Gwenolé Tallec received his master’s degree in computer science, image processing, and 3D graphics programming from the University of Bordeaux, France, in 2002. Gwenolé is now a Digital Rock Analysis expert at Thermo Fisher Scientific, where he supports customers and helps them move to digital software solutions in order to accelerate their daily research work.

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