Barnidipine belongs to the dihydropyridine group of calcium channel blockers and it is used in the treatment of hypertension. It is effective in very low concentrations in human plasma and in fact, being a highly lipophilic molecule, barnidipine is expected to accumulate in the cell membrane and consequently, gains access to its target receptor in a slow manner. Following a single, modified-release dose of 10mg barnidipine, the peak plasma concentration is approximately 0.48 ng/mL i.e. picogram concentration levels and thus there is a requirement of a highly selective and sensitive quantivative analysis which could produce reproducible and reliable concentration data for pharmacokinetic analysis and support in development of better formulations in future.
This poster describes the quantitation of Barnidipine at sub-picogram concentration levels in the presence of human plasma sample matrix using Selected Reaction Monitoring with Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer.