Analysis of samples by ICP-OES for trace elements has the potential to be complex. Both physical and spectral interferences can call into the question any results that are produced. A good approach to overcome these issues is to use a tried and tested method, one such being the US EPA Method 6010D (SW-846), which focuses on the analysis of solid wastes, soils, sediments, sludges, ground and surface waters, etc. As well as being used for its intended purpose to support the analysis of environmental samples, this method is also the ideal starting point for a range of different sample analysis.
This webinar will explore this method further, including key steps in validation and adaptation to different sample matrix as well as highlight the key role that software plays in a modern and integrated laboratory for elemental analysis.
Key learning objectives:
- Discover the features of US EPA Method 6010D (SW-846) that make it an ideal starting point for methods development
- Find out how to apply key validation steps to ensure freedom from interferences
- Understand how advanced ICP-OES instruments and software further aid method development and validation
Who should register:
- Anyone carrying out analysis by ICP-OES