
Agricultural genomics can be challenging for a number of reasons, including sequence complexity, high genetic diversity, and limited sequence availability. We offer end-to-end project management services through panel design, wet-lab validation, and data analysis to help ensure delivery of high-performance panels for your project. These low cost, proof of concept pilot projects are a great way to confirm the value of Applied Biosystems solutions for your research.

Please fill the form below to request a demo.

* Required field

 Next Generation Sequencing
 Capillary Electrophoresis
 Mass Spectrometry
 Market Assisted Selection/Breeding
 Genomic Selection/Prediction
 GWAS (Genome Wide Association Studies)
 Marker Discovery
 QC/Seed Purity
 Parentage/Screening for Disease

How many samples and markers do you plan to screen in the genotyping programs

 <500 samples
 <100 Markers (2WS PLC)
 1000 - 10,000 Markers (AGR PLC)
 10,000 - 900,000 Markers (B1N PLC)
 >1,000,000 (AGR PLC)

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