
Respond to field studies in a matter of weeks.

GeneChip Medicago Transcriptome Solution is the fastest and most effective whole transcriptome profiling approach for legume researchers who want results within a crop season.

  • In a single experiment measure expression changes of Medicago truncatulareference cultivars A17 and R108, andMedicago sativa.
  • With the right results the first time, have confidence in low-level expression data with higher reproducibility than RNA-Seq.
  • Within minutes, analyze and visually interpret the expression of genes, exons, and transcript isoforms

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One experiment. Multiple answers.

Measure whole-transcriptome expression of two key M. truncatulareference cultivars, plusM. sativa all from a single assay.

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Data to insight in minutes.

Quickly transform data into discovery with this easy-to-use, cost-free solution. Learn how easy Affymetrix has made expression analysis.

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Small samples. Big insights.

Reveal the biology in subpopulations of cells with the most flexible and sensitive sample prep kit for precise analysis of the transcriptome.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.