Request information about GeneArt® Type IIs Assembly kits

GeneArt® Type IIs Assembly kits utilize Type IIs restriction enzymes to provide seamless cloning and assembly of up to 5 DNA fragments by simultaneous cleavage and ligation in a single reaction. Since Type IIs assembly is not based upon homologous recombination, there is minimal risk of rearrangements, and minimal sequence confirmation of your final construct is required.

  • Assemble DNA fragments in any order, into any compatible vector, without scars
  • Compatible with GeneArt® Strings DNA fragments, GeneArt® Precision TALs, gene variants, repetitive sequences, and custom vector elements
  • Pick from three type IIs enzymes (AarI, BsaI, and BbsI)—each kit contains all-in-one enzyme mix, cloning vector, and cloning controls

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 Cell Imaging
 DNA Sequencing
 Mass Spectrometry
 Nucleic Acid Purification and Separation
 qPCR / Real-time PCR / qRT-PCR
 Sequencing Next Generation DNA
 Virus Isolation


 Biomarker Discovery
 Cell / Tissue Culture
 Environmental Testing
 Epigenetics / Epigenomics Analysis
 Food and Beverage Testing
 Forensics / Human Identity
 Gene Expression / RNA Analysis
 Genotyping and Genetic Variation
 Imaging & Microscopy
 In Vivo Research
 Plant Research
 Protein Analysis / Proteomics
 Protein Expression / Production
 Stem Cells

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 0 to 1 month
 2 to 4 months
 5+ months
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