Custom Microarrays for Predictive Genomics


Microarrays can be tailored for specific research aims, including discovery of new associations, confirmation and refinement of previous discoveries, and monitoring or surveillance of known, important variants. Designing the best genotyping panel for your studies doesn’t need to be challenging or time-consuming.


Axiom myDesign Custom Genotyping arrays offer extensive customization options with fast turnaround times for individual researchers or consortia who need specialized content. Capture population specific mutations by starting with our predesigned content modules, selecting from more than 13 million wet lab–tested markers in the Axiom Genomic Database or using markers from your own sequencing initiatives.


Based on the research workflow of the Axiom Genotyping Solution, Axiom myDesign arrays offer unprecedented scale and flexibility to design the most optimal array for your unique interests.  Fully or semi-customized arrays containing 1,500 to 2.6 million markers can be designed and available in as few as six weeks after SNP lockdown.

Designing a custom array

Axiom myDesign arrays offer excellent scale and flexibility to design the most optimal research array for your disease and population studies involving genome-wide association, replication, fine mapping, and candidate gene studies. Include markers of your choosing or select markers from the Axiom Genomic Database, which contains over 13 million high-performance genotype-tested (biologically and technically validated) annotated common and rare variants. Proprietary imputation-based SNP selection algorithms can be used to design population-optimized GWAS marker modules that enable high genomic coverage and accuracy.

Figure 2. Graphic representation of the Axiom Genomic Database

When selecting markers, there are several elements to take into consideration:

  1. Genome-wide coverage for discovery: Once sufficient genomes have been sequenced to provide a solid reference panel, a vast number of samples can be genotyped on microarrays containing up to 1,000,000 markers. Imputation then allows the calling of tens of millions more variants.

  2. Direct assay of variants critical to study goals: variants are selected from previous research findings or literature, as well as predicted relevance to the phenotypes of interest.

  3. Surveillance of variants of known significance: A research project aimed at new discoveries will need to assay known variants. Expertly curated modules can provide a basis for a new array design, allowing researchers to focus on new findings.

  4. Confirmation of previous results: in addition to directly evaluating specific variants, a region may be mapped around previous genetic wide association study findings to pin down a causal variant.

Axiom myDesign Custom Arrays feature:

  • Low minimums and fast delivery—custom arrays for as few as 480 samples; small repeat orders at attractive prices. Axiom myDesign custom arrays are typically manufactured and delivered within four to six weeks.

  • Flexible content and throughput—fully customizable research panels focused on your SNPs of interest; 96- and 384-array layouts for applications ranging from SNP discovery to routine testing

  • Consistent supply with no SNPs dropped—every SNP is manufactured with a high degree of precision using photolithographic templates. This helps ensure identical SNP content at any time and for as long as your research necessitates.

  • More marker selection freedom—interfering SNPs can be as close as 10 bases from candidate SNPs


Axiom myDesign Arrays are available in formats suitable for the appropriate number of markers:

  • Axiom Mini 96 myDesign Custom arrays: 1,500 to 50,000 markers per array; 96 arrays per plate

  • Axiom 384HT myDesign Custom arrays: 1,500 to 50,000 markers per array; 384 arrays per plate

  • Axiom myDesign Genotyping arrays: 300 to 2.6 million SNPs for validation and genome-wide association studies; 96 arrays per plate; multiple array designs can be used for large studies

Axiom myDesign Genotyping research arrays include:

  • Axiom 2.0 Mini 96 Reagent Kit for manual processing of up to 192 samples
  • Axiom 2.0 Reagent Kit for automated or manual processing of up to 96 samples per array plate or Axiom 2.0 384HT Reagent Kit for automated processing of up to 384 samples per array plate
  • A fully automated workflow with validated robotics methods for target preparation and array processing, based on the Beckman Biomek FXP Target Prep Express System or the Applied Biosystems Nimbus Instrument and GeneTitan Multi-Channel Instrument
  • A manual target preparation protocol for lower throughput
  • Axiom Analysis Suite Software for automated allele calling and easier quality assessment of called genotypes


To order a human custom design, talk to your sales representative today or email

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.