Achieving Worldwide Compliance in Dioxins and POPs Analysis

Setting the gold standard in dioxins and POPs analysis

Concerns over food and feed export safety, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), as well as environmental contamination, have grown rapidly in the last decade, resulting in stringent regulatory oversight. The Thermo Scientific DFS Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS is a double focusing system that enables regulatory compliance with any governmental dioxins, PCB, or PBDE method, whether based in the U.S., E.U., or Japan. Make the choice that has already earned the trust of the analytical community: For quantitative and routine analysis of dioxins and POPs, the DFS Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS continues to set the gold standard in providing ultimate confidence, superior performance, and robustness.

Get details

Meet with the team at NofaLab Laboratories (Rotterdam), and learn how they decreased their turnaround time for customers using the dioxin analysis workflow with the DFS Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS.

Regulations and analytical methods

Due to their toxicity and prevalence in the environment, dioxins, furans, and PCBs are subject to worldwide regulations. These regulations are based on risk assessments of dioxins, furans, and PCBs, of which several have been conducted at both the international (e.g., WHO (JECFA)) and European (e.g., EFSA) levels.

Scientific experts have critically examined published toxicological studies of individual PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs that were assessed using different animal species. These expert groups sought to identify the level at which no adverse toxicological effect is evidenced in animals. To achieve this goal, the most sensitive measurement technology currently available- namely, GC/MS- was used.

Magnetic Sector High Resolution GC/MS has been employed for more than two decades in food and environmental testing and is therefore considered to be the “gold standard” in this field. This is especially true for the challenging analysis of dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), which requires high sensitivity and accuracy, as well as the ability to identify these contaminants in complex sample types such as soil.

ApplicationNormDFS Magnetic Sector GC-HRMS
FoodEU Regulatory Feed Control (at ML)Approved
FoodEN 16215 (EU Method)Approved
FoodBackground food studies (<1/5th EU ML)Recommended by EURL
ClinicalHuman studies at trace levelsRecommended by EURL
EnvironmentalEN 1948Approved
EnvironmentalUS EPA 1613 B for strict EPA complianceApproved
EnvironmentalUS EPA Method 23Approved
EnvironmentalUS EPA Method 8290Approved
EnvironmentalUS EPA Method 1699Approved
EnvironmentalUS EPA Method 1698Approved
EnvironmentalJIS K0311 (Japan Method)Approved
EnvironmentalJIS K0312 (Japan Method)Approved

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How the DFS Magnetic Sector works

How the DFS Magnetic Sector works

A magnetic field (in a "magnetic sector analyzer") separates ions according to their momentum (the product of their mass times their velocity). To understand how the force exerted by a magnetic field can be used to separate ions according to their mass, let us imagine that we have a bowling ball and a feather moving by us (both move at the same velocity). If we blow on the two objects in a direction perpendicular to the path of the objects, the feather will be deflected away from its path because it has a smaller mass (momentum), but the bowling ball, with its larger mass (momentum) will continue to move in its original path.