Optimum somatic cell reprogramming efficiency

Human dermal fibroblasts, neonatal (HDFn) (Cat. No. C-004-5C) were expanded in Medium 106 (M-106-500) with LSGS (S-003-10). HDFn were then reprogrammed in ES-qualified FBS-based medium using Cytotune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit (A16517) at an MOI of 5:5:3. On Day 7 post transduction, newly reprogrammed fibroblasts were passaged onto rhLaminin-521 (A29248) or rhVTN-N (A14700) matrices and fed daily with Essential 8 Medium (A15170). On Day 21 post-transduction, the number of alkaline phosphatase colonies was determined per condition (n=3 per condition). A: representative alkaline phosphatase imaging. B: bar graph depicting number of alkaline phosphatase positive colonies achieved for the rhVTN-N and rhLaminin-521 conditions.

Human dermal fibroblasts, neonatal (HDFn) (Cat. No. C-004-5C) were expanded in Medium 106 (M-106-500) with LSGS (S-003-10).  HDFn were then reprogrammed in ES-qualified FBS-based medium using Cytotune-iPS 2.0 Sendai Reprogramming Kit (A16517) at an MOI of 5:5:3.  On Day 7 post transduction, newly reprogrammed fibroblasts were passaged onto rhLaminin-521 (A29248) or rhVTN-N (A14700) matrices and fed daily with Essential 8 Medium (A15170).  On Day 21 post-transduction, the number of alkaline phosphatase colonies was determined per condition (n=3 per condition).  A: representative alkaline phosphatase imaging.  B: bar graph depicting number of alkaline phosphatase positive colonies achieved for the rhVTN-N and rhLaminin-521 conditions.

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