7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, laptop, QST
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The discontinuation of sales for the 7500 and 7500 Fast real-time PCR for RUO starts on October 31, 2025. The 7500 Fast Dx was discontinued on December 31, 2022. Visit QuantStudio Real-Time PCR Systems for your qPCR instrument needs
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Applied Biosystems™

7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, laptop, QST

The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a powerful platform for labs requiring superior performance and maximum dye versatility. It isRead more
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Catalog number 4365464
Price (USD)/ Each
The 7500 Real-Time PCR System is a powerful platform for labs requiring superior performance and maximum dye versatility. It is a sophisticated platform for users who require extended capabilities and maximum versatility. The 3rd generation platform features an innovative optical system that enhances sensitivity and lets you access a broader range of fluorophores. The variable excitation capability allows greater sensitivity for longer wavelength (red) dyes.

• Powerful, five-color platform is calibrated for the broadest range of dyes available: FAM/SYBR Green I, VIC/JOE, NED/TAMRA/Cy3, ROX/Texas Red, and Cy5 dyes
• Specialized optical system enables easy and accurate calibration to new dyes without requiring the addition of new filter sets
• Advanced multi-componenting algorithm minimizes spectral crosstalk, superior for multiplexing
• User-friendly software includes plate set-up wizards, multi-plate data viewing capabilities, and advanced analysis tools to make data processing simple and straightforward

7500 Software v2.x
Now the easy-to-use StepOne software is available for both the 7500 and 7500 Fast systems with the 7500 Software v2.x upgrade. The 7500 Software v2.x incorporates your favorite StepOne Software features, such as multiple plate setup wizards, calculators for standard curve dilution and master mix recipes, QC flags, data filters, and email notification when a run is finished. The 7500 Software v2.x also includes an enhanced Gene Expression Study package and has a variety of new melting curve protocol options, including multiple peak detection, step and hold temperature control, and customizable ramp rates.

Gene Expression Study package accommodates large studies better than any other instrument software package
• Import an unlimited number of Comparative CT (relative quantitation) files to one study
• Group samples and view data both by technical replicate group and biological replicate group
• Use any gene(s) as an endogenous control, including averaging multiple controls together
• Enter known efficiency values to be factored into the RQ results

21 CFR Part 11 Module available
The SDS v1.4 21CFRp11 Module is a powerful tool for assisting with 21CFRp11 compliance, while still offering the flexibility of user-customizable configuration settings.

• Individual user log-ins can be added for up to four user groups, each group with designated permission settings
• User-customizable permission settings include fourteen system activities, e-signature authority designation, and additional security settings to give you maximum control over your compliance efforts
• Audit trails can be enabled or disabled depending on your traceability needs
• A selection of e-signatures is available to ease e-signatures into your workflow

Supports Many Applications
Applications include gene expression analysis, pathogen quantitation, SNP genotyping, isothermal and +⁄– assays utilizing internal positive controls. To facilitate many of these applications, we provide preformulated, ready-to-use, quality-tested, TaqMan assays for use with the 7500 system. Now you can reduce your assay optimization efforts.

Upgrade to High-Speed Thermal Cycling
An optional upgrade to a the 7500 Fast System is available. This 7500 Fast System uses our master mix formulations and enables you to shorten your real-time PCR runs to as little as 30 minutes.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Format96-well Plate
Thermal AccuracyWithin 0.5°C (35° to 95°C) of Setpoint/Display Temp. (3 min. after start)
Sample Ramp RateFast Mode: ± 2.2°C⁄s, Standard mode: ± 1.6°C⁄s
SensitivityDown to 1 Copy of Human RNAse P gene
Temperature Range (Metric)4 to 100°C
Reaction Volume Range10-30 μL
Passive Reference DyeROX (Separate Tube), ROX (Pre-mixed)
Dynamic Range9 Logs of Linear Dynamic Range
Calibrated DyeSYBR™ Green I, ROX™, NED™, TAMRA™, JOE™, Texas Red™, Cy5™, VIC™, FAM™, Cy3™
High-throughput CompatibilityHigh-throughput Compatible, Multiplexing
For Use With (Equipment)7500 Fast System
Thermal UniformityWithin 1.0°C (30 s after Clock Start)
Reaction SpeedFast, Standard
ThroughputManual Loading of four-five 96-well Plates per 8-hr day (Real Time throughput)
OpticsTungsten-halogen Lamp, Five-Emission Filters and CCD Camera, Five-Excitation Filters
Thermal Cycling SystemPeltier-based System
Dimensions34 cm (W) x 49 cm (H) x 45 cm (D) (13.39 in. x 19.29 in. x 17.72 in.)
External ComputerMinitower
Data AcquisitionCollects Data for all 5 Filters for all Wells regardless of Plate Setup
Software CompatibilityPrimer Express Software, System Software
PrecisionCan distinguish between 5000 and 10000 Template Copies with 99.7% Confidence
Voltage120 V
Electrical Requirements950 W
Quantity1 system
Weight34 kg (75 lb.)
Unit SizeEach
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