Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)
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Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)
Thermo Scientific™

Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)

Thermo Scientific Taq DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus.
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Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)
Catalog numberEP0405
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Thermo Scientific Taq DNA Polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus. The enzyme catalyzes 5' to 3' synthesis of DNA, has no detectable 3' to 5' exonuclease (proofreading) activity, and possesses low 5' to 3' exonuclease activity. In addition, Taq DNA Polymerase exhibits deoxynucleotidyl transferase activity, which frequently results in the addition of extra adenines at the 3'-end of PCR products. Recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase is the ideal tool for standard PCR of templates 5 kb or shorter.


  • Thermostable—half life is more than 40 min at 95°C
  • Generates PCR products with 3'-dA overhangs
  • Supplied with two buffers: 10X Taq Buffer with KCl and 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4
  • Incorporates modified nucleotides (e.g., biotin-, digoxigenin-, fluorescent-labeled nucleotides)


  • Routine PCR amplification of DNA fragments up to 5 kb
  • High throughput PCR
  • DNA labeling


  • The error rate of Taq DNA Polymerase in PCR is 2.2 x 10-5 errors per nt per cycle. Accordingly, the accuracy of PCR is 4.5 x 104. Accuracy is an inverse of the error rate and shows an average number of correct nucleotides incorporated before an error occurs.
  • 10X Taq Buffer without Detergent is recommended for microarray experiments.
  • 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4 allows for PCR at wide range of magnesium concentrations and decreases unspecific priming.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
In certain countries use of this product is covered by patents. Purchase of product in these countries includes non-transferable, limited license for using only this amount of product for the purchaser's own internal research.
GC-Rich PCR PerformanceLow
PolymeraseTaq DNA Polymerase
Reaction SpeedStandard
Product TypeTaq DNA Polymerase (Recombinant)
Quantity5 x 500 Units
Shipping ConditionDry Ice
For Use With (Application)Standard PCR
Concentration5 U/μL
Fidelity (vs. Taq)1X
Hot StartNo
Reaction FormatSeparate Components
Unit SizeEach
Contents & Storage
Taq DNA Polymerase (5 U/μL), 5 x 100 μL
• 10X Taq Buffer with KCl, 10 x 1.25 mL
• 10X Taq Buffer with (NH4)2SO4, 10 x 1.25 mL
• 25 mM MgCl2, 10 x 1.25 mL

Store at -20°C.