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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Product Type | Quantitation Range |
R11490 | Quant-iT RiboGreen RNA Kit | 1 to 200 ng |
R11491 | Quant-iT RiboGreen RNA Reagent | 1 to 200 ng |
R32700 | RediPlate 96 RiboGreen RNA Kit | 3 to 200 ng |
This easy-to-use reagent offers two detection ranges: a high-assay range and a low-assay range for sensitive and broad range detection. To use, simply prepare the working solution by diluting the provided dye with TE-Buffer, then aliquotting 100 µL of the working solution with standards and samples for a total reaction volume of 200 µL. RNA is then quantitated using a fluorescence microplate reader (such as Varioskan ALF) at standard fluorescein wavelengths.
Detecting and quantitating small amounts of RNA is important in many applications including measuring yields of in vitro transcribed RNA and measuring RNA concentrations before performing Northern blot analyses, S1 nuclease assays, RNase protection assays, cDNA library preparation, reverse transcription PCR, and differential display PCR.