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探索 ImmunoCAP 檢測產品套組

ImmunoCAP 檢測產品擁有超過 50 年的研究和開發經驗,目標是為您每天服務的病患提供臨床上準確且相關的檢測選項。

ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgE

體外過敏診斷的黃金標準包含超過 500 種完整過敏原和過敏原組合,以及 100 種過敏原成分檢測,無論病患年齡、皮膚狀況、藥物、疾病活動和懷孕與否,皆可接受檢測。1-7


只需採取一份 30 µl 的血清或血漿樣本,即可進行多重特異性 IgE 檢測,針對來自 48 種不同過敏原來源的 100 餘種過敏原成分提供過敏致敏化結果。8.

ImmunoCAP Rapid

可快速方便在病患身邊進行的特異性 IgE 檢測,強大功能可辨識出可能會被臨床診斷為過敏的病患。9,10

ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgG4

特異性 IgG4 檢測可提供寶貴的臨床資訊,說明免疫系統在過敏原特異性免疫治療期間是否有反應。11,12

ImmunoCAP 類胰蛋白酶

這是一種獨特的標記,會測量肥大細胞釋放到循環中的類胰蛋白酶總濃度,協助診斷肥大細胞增生症,並提供在嚴重反應期間是否發生肥大細胞活化的深入分析。此外,類胰蛋白酶也提供資訊,可為毒液免疫治療 (VIT) 管理提供資訊。13-15


這是一項功能強大的檢測,可定量測量人類血清中的嗜伊紅性白血球陽離子蛋白 (ECP)。16  ECP 現為氣喘的臨床標記,可協助評估疾病活動及呼吸道發炎的嚴重程度。17

ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgG

這種特異性 IgG 檢測可當作間質性肺病 (如外因性過敏性肺泡炎,又稱為過敏性肺炎) 和慢性肺部麴菌感染 (CPA) 的暴露標記。18-21

ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE

這是一項完整的定量檢測,測量血液中循環 IgE 的總體數量,可用於協助 IgE 調節過敏性疾患的臨床診斷,補充臨床發現和特異性 IgE 檢測提供的資訊。22

ImmunoCAP Phadiatop & ImmunoCAP Phadiatop Infant












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ImmunoCAP 和 EliA 檢測專為過敏和自體免疫診斷設計,在高度可擴充的 Phadia 實驗室系統上處理,提供您值得信賴的結果。 



  1. Crameri, R., In vitro allergy diagnosis – Allergen -specific IgE.In: Akdis, C A; Agache, I. EAACI Global Atlas of Allergy.Zurich: European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2014.
  2. Siles, R.I. and F.H.Hsieh, Allergy blood testing: A practical guide for clinicians.Cleve Clin J Med, 2011.78(9): p. 585-92.
  3. Expert panel report 3 (EPR-3): Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of asthma–summary report 2007.(2007).Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 120(5).
  4. Matsui, E. C., Abramson, S. L., & Sandel, M. T. (2017).Indoor environmental control practices and asthma management.Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies, 845–855.
  5. Hamilton, R. G., & Franklin Adkinson, N. (2004).In vitro assays for the diagnosis of IGE-mediated disorders.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 114(2), 213–225.
  6. Bacharier, L.B., et al., Diagnosis and treatment of asthma in childhood: a PRACTALL consensus report.Allergy, 2008.63(1): p. 5-34.
  7. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP 特異性 IgE
  8. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP ISAC
  9. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP Rapid
  10. Hedlin, G., et al., Allergy Diagnosis in Children and Adults: Performance of a New Point-of-Care Device, ImmunoCAP Rapid.World Allergy Organ J, 2009.2(7): p. 138-43.
  11. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP IgG4
  12. Bianchini, R., Karagiannis, S. N., Jordakieva, G., & Jensen-Jarolim, E. (2020).The role of igg4 in the fine tuning of tolerance in IGE-mediated allergy and cancer.International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(14), 5017. Schwartz, L.B., Diagnostic value of tryptase in anaphylaxis and mastocytosis.Immunol Allergy Clin North Am, 2006.26(3): p. 451-63.
  13. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP 類胰蛋白酶
  14. Bonifazi, F., et al., Prevention and treatment of hymenoptera venom allergy: guidelines for clinical practice.Allergy, 2005.60(12): p. 1459-70.
  15. Horny H-P et al.Mastocytosis.In: Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Pileri SA, Stein H, Thiele J (Eds).WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (Revised 4th edition).IARC: Lyon, 2017.
  16. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP ECP.
  17. Niimi A, Amitani R, Suzuki K, Tanaka E, Murayama T, Kuze F. Serum eosinophil cationic protein as a marker of eosinophilic inflammation in asthma.Clin Exp Allergy.1998 Feb;28(2):233-40. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2222.1998.00217.x.PMID: 9515598.
  18. 使用說明。ImmunoCAP IgG
  19. Costabel, U., F. Bonella, and J. Guzman, Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis.Clin Chest Med, 2012.33(1): p. 151-63.
  20. Li, H., Rui, Y., Zhou, W., Liu, L., He, B., Shi, Y. and Su, X., 2019.Role of the Aspergillus-Specific IgG and IgM Test in the Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis.Frontiers in Microbiology, 10.
  21. Sterclova, M., M. Vasakova, and M. Metlicka, Significance of specific IgG against sensitizing antigens in extrinsic allergic alveolitis: serological methods in EAA.Rev Port Pneumol, 2011.17(6): p. 253-9.
  22. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP 總量 IgE。
  23. Directions for use.ImmunoCAP Phadiatop.
  24. Fiocchi, A., et al., Differential diagnosis of IgE-mediated allergy in young children with wheezing or eczema symptoms using a single blood test.Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2004.93(4): p. 328-33.
  25. Lilja G, Kusoffsky E, Johansson SG, Oman H. Screening of atopic allergy in 5-year-old children--a comparison of the diagnostic properties of Phadiatop Paediatric and Phadiatop.Allergy.1995 Apr;50(4):316-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.1995.tb01154.x.PMID: 7573814.
  26. Lazova, S., Baleva, M., Priftis, S., Naseva, E. and Velikova, T., 2021.Atopic Status in Children with Asthma and Respiratory Allergies—Comparative Analysis of Total IgE, ImmunoCAP Phadiatop/fx5 and Euroimmun Pediatric Immunoblot.Sinusitis, 6(1), pp.1-14.