DNA Reagents

DNA Reagents

DNA reagents are products for used in DNA-related processes and techniques such as DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis, mutagenesis, DNA cloning and mapping, PCR cloning, and more. Products may include plasmids, buffers, labeling technology, columns, and kits.
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530 Products
  • DNA Sequencing (354)
    PCR Cloning Kits (72)
    DNA Cloning and Mapping and Mutagenesis (53)
    DNA Synthesis Reagents and Columns (48)
    Plasmid DNA (3)
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Oncomine™ Myeloid RNA Assay GX v2
A comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay designed for sensitive detection of myeloid disorder-associated RNA fusion transcripts in blood and bone marrow samples. This assay is the RNA component of the Oncomine™ Myeloid Assay GX V2 (A50694), which includes both DNA and RNA...
TrueTag™ Donor DNA Kit, Myc
The Invitrogen TrueTag Donor DNA Kit, Myc, provides a rapid solution to drive high-efficiency gene tagging (up to 100% edited cells) with transfection-ready donor DNA for genome editing experiments.
RapidHIT™ ID Booking Station ACE GlobalFiler™ Express Complete 150-Sample Kit
The Applied Biosystems RapidHIT ID Booking Station ACE GlobalFiler Express Complete 150-Sample Kit is for use with the Applied Biosystems RapidHIT ID System to generate lab-quality forensic DNA profiles from arrestee samples collected during the booking process.
MicroSEQ™ ID 16S rDNA 500 Library v2022
The MicroSEQ ID 16S rDNA 500 Library v2022 is for use with MicroSEQ ID Microbial Identification Software v4.0.
GeneScan™ 600 LIZ™ Size Standard v2.0 Dx
Use this size standard for fragments between 20 and 600 bp. The standard contains 36 LIZ dye-labeled, single-stranded DNA fragments.
Ion AmpliSeq™ Kit for Chef DL8
The Ion AmpliSeq™ Kit for Chef DL8 is designed for use with the Ion Chef™ System for automation of Ion AmpliSeq library construction.
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Invitrogen's Lipofectamine MessengerMAX mRNA Transfection Reagent exhibits up to 5x the efficiency of DNA reagents in neurons and primary cell types. Request a sample Protocol library Amazing efficiency for both neuronal transfection and primary cell transfection Fast protein expression with no risk...
Here is a short description of markers and reagents that are more commonly used for DNA analysis. DNA molecular weight markers Ambion offers basic DNA molecular weight markers for routine analysis of end point PCR, restriction digests, or other analyses on native agarose gels.
Documents & Support (5,722)
Protocol: TaqMan® PCR Reagent Kit with Controls: With Amplitaq Gold® DNA Polymerase (English )
What is Cot-1 DNA blocking reagent?