Microbial Identification Test Kits

Microbial identification kits are designed for sample preparation, identification, or detection of various microorganisms.
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184 Products
  • Adenovirus Testing (1)
    Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (1)
    Borrelia Testing (5)
    C albicans Testing (2)
    C difficile Testing (3)
    Chlamydia Testing (9)
    Cryptococcus Testing (2)
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A latex agglutination test for the identification of streptococcal groups A, B, C, D, F, and G.
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid DrySpot test is a latex agglutination screen used for culture confirmation of E. coli serogroup O128 from cultures on solid media.
Oxoid™ Strep Plus Kit Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid Strep PlusBlue is a latex agglutination test that uses nitrous acid extraction for rapid identification of beta-hemolytic Streptococci lancefield groups A, B, C, F, and G.
Legionella Latex Test Thermo Scientific™
Rapidly differentiate and confirm the identity of predominant Legionella serogroups grown on selective media by latex agglutination using Thermo Scientific™ Legionella Latex Test.
Eliminate the need for incubation and provide a faster strep grouping solution than more traditional enzyme extraction with the Thermo Scientific™ PathoDxtra™ Strep Grouping Kit.
Presumptively identify Salmonella in selective and/or enrichment cultures with Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Salmonella Test Kit. This rapid latex agglutination test is designed to deliver simple, rapid and sensitive results for the presence of Salmonella spp. in clinical, food and animal samples.
The DrySpot Legionella Latex Test is a latex agglutination test for the identification of Legionella species grown on plate media from patients with suspected legionellosis or from environmental sources.
Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid DrySpot test is a latex agglutination screen used for culture confirmation of E. coli serogroup O26 from cultures on solid media.
PRO Disk with Reagent Thermo Scientific™
Identify yeast and anaerobic microorganisms, primarily Candida albicans and Clostridium difficile, using Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ PRO Kit. PRO Kit is recommended for use in qualitative procedures for detection of the enzyme L-Proline aminopeptidase in yeast and bacterial cells.
Remel ImmunoDOT Torch Panel Positive Control A is for use with the ImmunoDOT Torch Panel.
Thermo Scientific™ Remel Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgG/IgM Antibody Test is an enzyme-linked immunobinding assay used for the qualitative simultaneous detection of IgG and IgM antibodies to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in human serum or plasma.
Rapidly detect Clostridium difficile toxin A and B in fresh or preserved human fecal specimens using Thermo Scientific™ ProSpecT™ C. difficile Toxin A/B Microplate Assay.
Streptex Positive Control Thermo Scientific™
Validate your test procedures with Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ Streptex™ Positive Control. Streptex is a rapid latex test system used to detect and identify the Lancefield Groups of streptococci A, B, C, D, F and G and contains all components necessary for the system.
Streptex Latex Group B Thermo Scientific™
Supplement the reagents in Thermo Scientific™ Remel™ Streptex™ Latext Agglutination Kit with Thermo Scientific Remel Streptex Latex Group B. Streptex Latex Agglutination Kit is a rapid latex test used to detect and identify the Lancefield Groups of streptococci A, B, C, D, F and G and contains all...
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Learn More (343)
Biochemical, Immunological or Molecular Identification, the choice is yours. Accurate, simple, rapid and convenient solutions to suit all of your identification needs, available in one place. Identification made easy for you and your laboratory.
Microbial control within biopharmaceutical manufacturing is a critical quality control to help ensure drug products are free from viable microorganisms. Per regulatory guidelines, the implementation of an environmental monitoring program is required to comply with good manufacturing practices and...
Documents & Support (619)
Haemophilus Identification
What is included in the MicroSEQ ID Microbial Identification Software v3.1.3, with All Software Libraries Kit (Cat. No. A48593)?