Real Time PCR Products

An array of assays, reagents, kits, and master mixes suitable for real-time PCR processing, a technique that collects data throughout the PCR process as it occurs, in real time, thus combining amplification and detecion into a single step.
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663 Products
  • Real Time PCR Assays and Arrays (326)
    Real Time PCR Reagents and Kits (246)
    Real Time PCR Master Mixes (91)
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SYBR™ Select Master Mix Applied Biosystems™
Cost-effective solution for real-time PCR applications.
Applied Biosystems TaqMan Gene Expression assays are used for quantitative real-time PCR analysis of gene expression and consist of a pair of unlabeled PCR primers and a TaqMan probe with a dye label (FAM) on the 5' end and a minor groove binder (MGB) and non-fluorescent quencher (NFQ) on the 3'...
SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit provides sensitive, specific detection with fluorogenic primers and probes, while the SuperScript™ III Platinum™ SYBR™ Green One-Step qRT-PCR Kit offers the ease and convenience of SYBR™ Green I detection.
TaqMan Fast Advanced Master Mix delivers accurate quantification and dependability in less time on an array of qPCR instrument platforms.
Get superior nucleic acid quantitation with Applied Biosystems™ Power SYBR™ Green Master Mix.
Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix Applied Biosystems™
Designed for speed, SYBR™ Green Master Mix provides a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for RT-PCR application without compromising sensitivity, specificity, dynamic range, or PCR efficiency.
The SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit provides sensitive, specific detection with fluorogenic primers and probes, while the SuperScript™ III Platinum™ SYBR™ Green One-Step qRT-PCR Kit offers the ease and convenience of SYBR™ Green I detection.
SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix Applied Biosystems™
Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Green Universal Master Mix combines SYBR™ Green I dye, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase, dNTPs with dUTP, Passive Reference 1, and optimized buffer in the convenience of a single vial.
Is a ready-to-use mixture for high-specificity, real-time quantitative DNA amplification, containing UDG to prevent carryover contamination (1,2).
Kit incorporates proven Invitrogen™ enzymes specifically tailored to deliver superior results on high-throughput, fast-cycling instruments for probe-based qPCR experiments.
Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)
This kit comes with premixed ROX reference dye. EXPRESS One-Step SYBR GreenER SuperMix kits with a separate tube of ROX reference dye are also available.
The Applied Biosystems TrueMark Respiratory I Plus Combo Kit achieves molecular detection through real-time PCR technology, offering an end-to-end workflow for many common infectious disease areas by utilizing the power of QuantStudio real-time PCR systems.
The SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix kits include a dsDNA-binding dye that produces a brighter signal and significantly less PCR inhibition, for improved qPCR performance over a broad dynamic range. Consistent Specificity and Low-Copy Detection: The SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR reagent system minimizes the...
The SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix kits include a dsDNA-binding dye that produces a brighter signal and significantly less PCR inhibition, for improved qPCR performance over a broad dynamic range. Consistent Specificity and Low-Copy Detection: The SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR reagent system minimizes the...
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Learn More (1,543)
TaqMan® probe and primer sets (also known as TaqMan® Assays) TaqMan® Master Mixes and Kits TaqMan® Controls, Optimized TaqMan® probe and PCR primer sets: TaqMan® Assays are formulated for use right out of the box.
Real-time PCR, also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR), is the gold-standard for sensitive, specific detection and quantification of nucleic acid targets. When you choose Applied Biosystems real-time PCR solutions, innovative technology and visionary research converge to unlock the full potential of...
Documents & Support (20,012)
Specification Sheet: QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR System (Chinese)
Where can I find documents for all of your real-time PCR products, including the protocol?