Sanger Analysis Modules for Service Provider Labs

Applied Biosystems™ Sanger Analysis Modules are innovative cloud-based secondary data analysis tools to help bring your core lab centers to the next level. This online solution makes it easy to manage your lab remotely and provide your end users with ultimate flexibility in accessing their data. The Sanger Analysis Modules are compatible with files from the Applied Biosystems™ 310, 3130 Series, 3730 Series, and 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzers. 

Benefits for the service provider lab include:

Remotely manage your lab and allow end users to access their data in real time. A cloud solution offers ultimate flexibility in viewing and analyzing Sanger sequencing data from any Mac or PC computer.

higher-level service

Option to offer higher-level service
New features allow you to bring more value to your end users by providing services such as annotation, database search, and NGS confirmation, enabling your center to be the ultimate service provider.

high processing power

High processing power
Process up to 10,000 files in 5 minutes to accommodate the fluctuating demands of your end users.

data storage

Data storage
Minimize the need to maintain an infrastructure for storing and sharing data. Thermo Fisher Cloud provides a secure place with expansion capability to adjust to your storage needs.

The modules

Quality Check

For basic quality check

  • View .ab1 data
  • Compare performance against thresholds

Access for free in the cloud

Variant Analysis

For reference-based re-sequencing analyses

  • Reports variants in absolute genomic coordinates
  • Automated database search
  • .vcf output for downstream external database search

Free access on the cloud

Next-Generation Confirmation

For examination of CE variants to confirm variants detected by NGS platforms

  • Align NGS/CE variants with reference sequence in one view
  • Reports variants in absolute genomic coordinates
  • Automated database search
  • .vcf output for downstream external database search

Free access on the cloud

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.