Polybrominated flame retardants, in particular polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), are persistent organic compounds that are found in the environment and in the food chain. Biomonitoring data show that PBDE concentrations have increased in recent years—in humans and wildlife. Humans are exposed to PBDEs mainly through ingestion of contaminated food and breathing contaminated air. Since PBDEs are potentially linked to a wide range of adverse health effects in humans such as endocrine disruption, neurodevelopmental toxicity, and cancer, there is increasing public health concern about these compounds. The webinar will discuss the use of an advanced electron ionization (AEI) triple-quadrupole GC–MS technique for the routine analysis of PBDEs. It will also discuss the challenges that laboratories face in terms of selectivity and sensitivity in complex sample matrices, sample throughput, and reducing the cost per sample.
Further information will be provided on the following topics:
Ultratrace quantification of PBDEs in food and feed (at low ppt levels) levels using a new AEI source with triple quadrupole GC-MS Rapid sample throughput with full separation of 27 native PBDEs in <11 minutes Robust determination of PBDEs in complex matrices using electron ionization rather than soft ionization techniques such as negative chemical ionization