Trace contaminant workflow analysis: brines and fine caustics

Trace contaminant workflow analysis: brines and fine caustics

View workflow information for chlor-alkali needs across the workflow, including trace contaminant analysis using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), or ion chromatography (IC).

Determination of cations and amines in hydrogen peroxide by ion chromatography using a RFIC (reagent-free) system

Determination of cations and amines in hydrogen peroxide by ion chromatography using a RFIC (reagent-free) system

Review how a Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPac CS17 column is used to determine if the trace cations and amines in hydrogen peroxide with a large-loop injection.

Inline sample preparation for the determination of anions in sodium hydroxide

Inline sample preparation for the determination of anions in sodium hydroxide

The goal of this work is to develop easier and better method to determine mg/L concentrations of anions in sodium hydroxide by updating Application Note 51 using Thermo Scientific Dionex Guardcap H vial caps.

Determination of oxalate and other anions in Bayer Liquor using ion chromatography

Determination of oxalate and other anions in Bayer Liquor using ion chromatography

Learn how to address the challenges of analyzing Bayer liquor, which has a high ionic strength and metal content.

The determination of iodide in brine

The determination of iodide in brine

See how ion chromatography coupled with pulsed amperometric detection is used to determine iodide in brine (approximately 30% sodium chloride). This method is specific, sensitive, and rapid.

Determination of transition metals by ion chromatography

Determination of transition metals by ion chromatography

Here, learn IC methods to determine the total of both hydrated and weakly complexed metal ions.

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