Food safety

Low-moisture foods are often considered products at low-risk in terms of microbial contamination due to a water activity below 0.85. Nevertheless, Enterobacteriaceae are very well-known for their capacity to survive in dry conditions for long periods of time, and that applies to both food products and the production environment.Salmonella species are a prime example and can survive in challenging conditions. The organism has been found to be responsible for several outbreaks in low-moisture foods, such as cocoa, chocolate and milk powder. According to the ISO 6887-1:2017 standard, the current practice for low-moisture foods is to increase the sample size with an appropriate sampling plan and dry pooling.

We offer a number of solutions for the reliable detection of Salmonella in foods and associated sample types; from reference method compliant media in dehydrated or ready to use formats, to alternative methods such as the Thermo Scientific™ Salmonella Precis Method – a 2-day method that uses one broth, one chromogenic agar plate and a single rapid confirmation step, and the Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Salmonella species PCR Assay workflow. Please visit the Testing for Salmonella in Foods and Associated Samples page to find information of our complete Salmonella testing portfolio.

The SureTect™ Salmonella PCR Assay workflow is an efficient solution for the relevant sampling plan and dry pooling procedure for low-moisture foods, as advised by the ISO norm. The method has been validated according to ISO 16140-2:2016 (by NF VALIDATION) and AOAC-OMA method validation requirements for testing Salmonella in a broad range of foods, environmental samples, and also large test portions (up to 375 g) of multiple low-moisture foods such as cocoa, chocolate products, milk powders, infant formula, infant cereals and related ingredients. As a further plus, in addition to the usual method comparison and matrix studies, the performance on large test portions of low-moisture foods was also confirmed through a successful collaborative study on 375 g cocoa powders that showed the reproducibility and robustness of SureTect Salmonella PCR Assay method for testing large test portions of low-moisture foods.

See how simple the SureTect PCR System is to use in this short video:

If you would like to find out more about the SureTect PCR System and other targets it’s possible to test for, visit the SureTect PCR System webpage.

If you would like to know more and discuss your testing needs complete your details and one of our experts will be in touch.