
Leave a review or ask us a question and receive 1,000 Life Science Rewards™ Points*. Please complete the contact information below and then press submit.

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We look forward to hearing from you!

Were your experimental results with RNAi useful to your programs? *

 Very useful
 Not useful

Why did you select the product? *

 It was recommended
 I have used it before
 It replaces an existing product
 It replaces a non-ThermoFisher product that did not perform

Would you recommend this product? *

 Extremely likely
 Very likely
 Somewhat likely
 Not so likely
 Not likely at all

How easy was it to find information about this product? *

 Very easy
 Somewhat easy
 Not easy
 Not easy at all

Which of the following would you use to describe our product? *

 High quality
 Good value

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