Register to be informed of new assays release

We are developing TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays for many more targets and will release them in the following months. Register and we will keep you informed each time new assays are available. Or come back to visit this page regularly to download the updated list of assays.

Contact Information


Mailing Address


Job Role

 CEO / COO / President
 Vice President
 Department Head
 Principal Investigator
 Medical Doctor
 Post-doctoral fellow
 Scientist / Associate Scientist
 Student / Graduate Student
 Research Assistant / Lab Technician
 Lab Manager
 Purchaser / Procurer

Let us know what you think of TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays

We hope that you are fully satisfied with your TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays and we would like to hear your feedback.

These questions are optional and your responses are kept confidential. Click directly on the "submit your request" button below if you wish not to answer.

How long have you been using TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays?

 <1 month
 1 to 3 months
 3 to 6 months
 >6 months

Which type of samples did you use with these TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays? (Check all that apply.)

 Fresh frozen tissue
 Cell lines

What level of sensitivity do you require for your application?

 0.1 - 1%
 1 - 5%
 5 - 10%
 I don't know

How satisfied are you with these TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays?

 Extremely satisfied
 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
 Extremely dissatisfied
 Don't know

Let us know if you have questions or other feedback you would like to share with us. (Your response will remain confidential.)

May we call you to discuss your feedback?

 Yes, I wish to receive communication via telephone, email, or other electronic means on the Life Technologies goods and services.

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