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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
From exploration to analysis and processing, either online or in the laboratory, we have everything necessary to meet the specifications of quality, environment and productivity. Thermo Scientific Mining solutions provide reliable, accurate data and essential information for optimal process control. Our systems adapt to existing technical limitations without compromising the profitability of your investment.
Minimize lost production time with an economical and reliable means to protect expensive crushers, conveyors and other process equipment from damage by tramp metal.
Upgrade Package for MSA and AnStat
The Thermo Scientific MEP-300 Multi-Element Probe improves XRF elemental slurry analysis without liquid nitrogen.
Obtain fast, accurate elemental analysis for metal and alloy identification, PMI testing and more with the Niton XL2 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer.
The 42iQ NO-NO2-NOx Analyzer provides the same level of performance when measuring nitrogen oxide in emissions from a source using chemiluminescent technology.
Achieve high resolution analysis in minutes with a compact, transportable bench top X-Ray diffractometer for QA/QC, academic, and routine X-ray diffraction applications.