Nucleic Acid Molecular Weight Markers

Nucleic acid molecular weight markers contain nucleic acids of several pre-defined molecular weights for use as size standards in gel electrophoresis. Products include DNA and RNA ladders and fragments available with or without loading buffers, tracking dyes, and other solutions.
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GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder, ready-to-use, is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA on agarose gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder, ready-to-use 100 to 1000 bp is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA fragments on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
Powerful tool for estimating molecular weight of linear, double-stranded DNA fragments
GeneRuler 1kb Plus DNA Ladder, ready-to-use 75 to 20,000bp is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA on agarose gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
GeneRuler 50 bp DNA Ladder, ready-to-use, is recommended for sizing and for approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
GeneRuler High Range DNA Ladder, ready-to-use, is recommended for fast sizing and approximate quantification of high molecular weight double-stranded DNA fragments in agarose gels (in 1.5 hour, 0.4% agarose gel). The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
ZipRuler Express DNA Ladder Set contains two ladders: ZipRuler Express DNA Ladder 1 and ZipRuler Express DNA Ladder 2. Both are mixtures of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.The set is designed for fast and highly accurate sizing of a broad range (100-20,000 bp) of DNA fragments and...
100 bp DNA Ladder Invitrogen™ Green features
Invitrogen 100 bp DNA Ladder is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of double-stranded DNA in the range of 100 bp to 2,000 bp.
GeneRuler 100bp Plus DNA Ladder 100 to 3000bp is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
GeneRuler DNA Ladder Mix, ready-to-use, is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA on agarose gels. The ladder is a mixture of chromatography-purified individual DNA fragments.
Ready-to use DNA Ladder for use with routine throughput precast E-Gel™ agarose gels.
Pre-mixed with sample buffer for ready-to-load convenience
GeneRuler Low Range DNA Ladder, ready-to-use, is recommended for sizing and approximate quantification of a wide range of double-stranded DNA fragments on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. It is ideal for denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Suitable for sizing doublestranded DNA on all E-Gel™ gel formats
Supplied as a ready-to-use 1X solution
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See our nucleic acid isolation and analysis products, Exact M.W. of ssRNA (e.g., RNA Transcript): M.W. = (An x 329.2) + (Un x 306.2) + (Cn x 305.2) + (Gn x 345.2) + 159ª An, Un, Cn, and Gn are the number of each respective nucleotide within the polynucleotide. M.W.
Here is a short description of markers and reagents that are more commonly used for DNA analysis. DNA molecular weight markers Ambion offers basic DNA molecular weight markers for routine analysis of end point PCR, restriction digests, or other analyses on native agarose gels.
Documents & Support (162)
How can I get better separation of my bands?
With the AgriSeq HTS Library Kit, I see high molecular weight material present during sequencing. Why is this?