The human transcriptome measured in feces elucidates the pathobiology and diagnosis of environmental enteric dysfunction

Clariom D Assays

Applied Biosystems Clariom D Assays offer deep and broad transcriptome profiling from ultra-low RNA input. Features include:

  • Comprehensive and detailed analysis of coding and noncoding genes, exons and splice variants
  • Coverage of all known transcripts, regardless of abundance
  • Reagents for processing as little as 100 pg input RNA, FFPE tissue and whole blood

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Clariom S Assays

Applied Biosystems Clariom S Assays afford simple and swift expression profiling from ultra-low RNA input. Features include:

  • Robust expression profiling from all well-annotated genes
  • Gene-level signature discovery and high-throughput analysis with automated formats
  • Reagents for processing as little as 100 pg input RNA, FFPE tissue and whole blood

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