Save on Smart GC and GC-MS Solutions for Academia

We're ready to support GC and GC-MS projects in the university lab

Thermo Fisher Scientific wants to help you overcome the challenges you face day to day when teaching students. We make it easier with modern GC and GC-MS technology, and with the most up-to-date and flexible chromatography data system software.

For our academic customers, we offer a special train-the-trainer session to get you ready for all the projects your students want to run. We also have great online resources, so applications can be developed with just a few mouse clicks.

Help your students prepare for their future by offering them access to the world of Thermo Scientific™ GC and GC-MS systems and Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ CDS.

Contact your Thermo Scientific Representative or cllck the button below to learn more about our GC or GC-MS and CDS packages for academia.