CaptureSelect® Affinity Products

CaptureSelect® products possess a combination of unique properties, including selectivity, affinity, and stability, that provide competitive benefits: single-step purification, ease of use, minimized cost of purification, effective impurity removal, higher-quality product, and increased flexibility in the purification process.

Order CaptureSelect® Affinity Products

These features make CaptureSelect® products the right tools for small-scale protein purification. The products are specific for a wide variety of target proteins and are therefore well suited to a variety of applications:

  • Small-scale protein purification—ready-to-use affinity resins, including:
  • Antibody Toolbox® products for the separation of immunoglobulin formats from a wide range of environments, such as plasma, milk from transgenic animals, or supernatant from mammalian cell cultures
  • Proteomics Toolbox® products for protein depletion to support biomarker research applications
  • HPLC analytical chromatography columns—rapid, sensitive, and precise quantitation and small-scale sample preparation of proteins from complex mixtures
  • Custom ligand design—the development of antibody ligands against a specific protein or impurity, enabling affinity purification tailored to novel applications

Most biomolecules can be purified with one of these products. Unlike the common bacterial coat protein components proteins A, G, and L, CaptureSelect® affinity ligands are developed with defined specificity and high avidity to the target, enabling the creation of affinity chromatography resins well suited for single-step protein purification (Tables 1 and 2).

  POROS® CaptureSelect® analytical columns Antibody Toolbox® Products Protein purification products Proteomics Toolbox® Products Conjugated ligands

Antibody analytics

  • Quantitation
  • PTM analysis


Antibody purification

  • Small scale

Protein purification

  • Natural/recombinant
  • Affinity tag

Biomarker discovery     
Instrumentation neededHPLC/FPLCFPLCFPLCFPLC Spin columnsELISA western SPR, BLI

BLI: bio-layer interferometry; PTM: post-translational modifications; SPR: surface plasmon resonance.


Table 1. Comparison of CaptureSelect® affinity products.
POROS® protein A, G resins POROS® CaptureSelect® ligands
Target type Prot A Prot G IgG Fc Kappa Lambda IgG-CH1 IgM
IgG1, IgG2, IgG4      
IgG, CH2 domain
IgA, IgD, IgE      
Fab, F(ab´)2      
IgG Fc fusion protein     
Free light chains     


Table 2. POROS® CaptureSelect® analytical columns.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.