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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Explore how the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing workflow can be easily applied to other areas such as microbial studies, human disease research and more. Our comprehensive solution enables multiple applications on a single NGS system.
Microbial studies
Explore targeted sequencing tools for microbial identification, strain sub-typing, antimicrobial resistance detection and infectious disease research.
Human disease research
Create custom panels from over 5,000 pretested genes most relevant in inherited disease research with Ion AmpliSeq™ on-demand panels for targeted sequencing.
Liquid Biopsy applications
Working with liquid biopsy samples? Discover how Ion AmpliSeq™ HD technology can help you detect low-frequency alleles (low limit of detection of >0.1% for cfDNA samples).
Automate your NGS workflow
Spend more time on your research and less time on library and template preparation with the Ion Chef™ system.