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Streamline your infrared microanalysis workflow with the Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN10 Infrared Microscope. Designed with the simplicity of an FTIR spectrometer and the ability to measure samples down to a few microns, it is a modern, productive, and cost-effective infrared microanalysis solution. The Nicolet iN10 Infrared Microscope provides answers with the high degree of confidence required by today’s analytical laboratories.
With its intuitive and innovative optical design, combined with its novel approach to instrument operation, the Nicolet iN10 Infrared Microscope allows users of all skill levels to perform their microanalysis functions easily and confidently.
Save laboratory space and budget with the Nicolet iN10 Infrared Microscope’s compact footprint and integrated design, which eliminates the need for an external spectrometer. A room temperature detector eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen for samples down to 50-microns. Get results faster with programmable sample coordinates, which reduce the time required for repetitive tasks. Computer-controlled automation allows access to all system settings from the computer, while a fully automated system performance verification provides confidence in your results. Use the incorporated Thermo Scientific OMNIC Specta Software to perform spectral identification of pure compounds and mixtures.
Take advantage of exceptionally powerful imaging tools in a productive and cost-effective microspectroscopy package with the Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN10 MX Infrared Imaging Microscope. The Nicolet iN10 MX Infrared Imaging Microscope is easy to use and provides the power required to rapidly acquire and analyze chemical images to enhance your understanding of the chemical distribution of materials in heterogeneous samples. Designed for professionals with any level of experience in microscopy or spectroscopy, the Nicolet iN10 MX Infrared Imaging Microscope incorporates Thermo Scientific OMNIC Picta Software to achieve consistent and reliable results. Plus, the integrated and highly efficient optical design of the Nicolet iN10 MX Microscope improves the speed and sensitivity of routine single point measurements, as well as providing high quality imaging data sets.
The integrated design allows for the analysis of samples down to 10 microns with the onboard spectrometer. The standard, room-temperature DTGS detector eliminates the need for liquid nitrogen when examining samples down to 50 microns. With the MCT-A detector, the ultra-fast mapping can collect 10 spectra per second to cover more area fast even without the imaging detector. Other key features include:
The Nicolet iN10 MX Infrared Imaging Microscope adds the power of a 16-element array, allowing up to 160 spectra per second to be collected at either 25 or 6.25 micron spatial resolution. This can enable coverage of a 5 mm x 5mm area in 5 minutes.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.