Quantitative and qualitative analysis

Achieve the highest confidence in compound detection through leading sensitivity, six orders of dynamic range, and high selectivity full-scan analysis. Full-scan operation can be performed up to 240,000 resolution (at m/z 200) with sub-1 ppm mass accuracy and full-scan sensitivity down to part-per-trillion concentrations. This capability drives broad-scope screening and quantitative methods for complex matrices where confident ultra-trace-level detection is required.

Flexible data processing and retrospective analysis

High-selectivity full-scan analysis offers new possibilities for high-throughput contaminant detection and food research, including easy analytical set-up, almost unlimited scope, efficient automatic data processing and retrospective data analysis. The Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer has the quantitative power of a GC triple quadrupole MS combined with the full-scan HRAM capability of Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass analyzer technology for greater lab productivity.

Confident compound identification

Whether you need to ensure final products being shipped meet quality control standards, develop new products, or identify a suspect contaminant, high-resolution gas chromatography separations and highly sensitive HRAM acquisitions combine with intelligent identification software to quickly answer questions about the composition of each sample you inject.

Adjustable scope of analysis

The systems can be paired with Thermo Scientific TraceFinder or Thermo Scientific Compound Discoverer software, which can use multiple nominal or exact mass libraries for automatic compound identification. The libraries can be existing spectral libraries developed in-house, commercially available libraries, such as NIST or Wiley, or official Orbitrap GC-MS libraries. A more restricted library can be configured to narrow the scope of non-targeted analysis or larger libraries or combinations of libraries can be used to broaden the scope.

Fast instrument set-up

Be ready to run samples in minutes and confident that the system is performing at its best with automated tuning and calibration. With high-selectivity full scan analysis you will no longer have to worry about method settings. Simply acquire and process your data to answer a variety of analytical questions.

Consolidated methods

Improve lab efficiency, reduce costs and simplify operations by combining multiple targeted methods onto a single instrument. Method consolidation enables streamlined data processing and offers the flexibility to adapt to changing demands.


Explore the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS

Experience the system that addresses evolving requirements for compound identification and quantitation. Go inside the instrument and view key features and capabilities.

Take virtual tour


Introducing the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Mass Spectrometer

Learn about the performance you can expect from the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 mass spectrometer.

Introducing the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer

Learn what the Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer can bring to your laboratory.


What GC Orbitrap MS Can Do for You

Dominic Roberts, Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Watch on-demand 

Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Flying Ions

Learn how the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 delivers high mass resolving power and provides a range of MS experiments from full scan through M/MS acquisitions.

Eurofins Hamburg Orbitrap Exploris GC customer video

Interview with Frank Neugebauer from Eurofins, Hamburg

Introducing the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Mass Spectrometer

Learn about the performance you can expect from the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 mass spectrometer.

Introducing the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer

Learn what the Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer can bring to your laboratory.


What GC Orbitrap MS Can Do for You

Dominic Roberts, Product Marketing Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Watch on-demand 

Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Flying Ions

Learn how the Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 delivers high mass resolving power and provides a range of MS experiments from full scan through M/MS acquisitions.

Eurofins Hamburg Orbitrap Exploris GC customer video

Interview with Frank Neugebauer from Eurofins, Hamburg

Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer performance-based analysis of dibenzo-p-dioxins/furans

The goal of this technical note is to demonstrate the optimization and performance of the Orbitrap Exploris™ GC mass spectrometer for the trace analysis of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins using high-resolution accurate-mass spectrometry.

Accurate profiling of whiskies

The Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS, Compound Discoverer software, and high resolution accurate mass flavor and fragrance library provide fast and comprehensive differential analysis of whiskies from different regions.

Additional educational resource


Part numberDescriptionPrice (USD)
BRE725537Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 Mass SpectrometerRequest a quote ›
BRE725540Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer - 30,000 resolving power, no MS/MSRequest a quote ›
BRE725541Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer - 60,000 resolving power, no MS/MSRequest a quote ›
BRE725542Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer - 30,000 resolving power with MS/MSRequest a quote ›
BRE725543Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer - 60,000 resolving power with MS/MSRequest a quote ›

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