Environmental Analysis Webinars and Podcasts

Empower your environmental analyses with modern analytical solutions

Environmental analysis is increasingly challenging because regulations have become more stringent requiring complex data analysis and reporting processes from sample to results. Thermo Fisher Scientific constantly innovates to produce modern instruments with lower detection limits, and better sensitivity and selectivity. With these analytical solutions, users are empowered to follow required regulatory methods and meet compliance with greater ease.

The webinars and podcasts below are invaluable resources for environmental analysts. You will hear from experienced customers and Thermo Fisher Scientific experts as they review modern analytical solutions and share their experiences.

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TechniqueTitleContent type
Discrete AnalysisRapid Photometric Detection for Environmental ApplicationsWebinar
LC-MS/MS, GC-MS, GC-MS/MS, IC-MS/MS, ICP-OES, ICP-MSEnvironmental Analysis Summit: Highlights from experts on hot topics and modern analytical techniquesVideos, presentations, posters
GC-MSMonitoring Volatile Organic Compounds Using GC and GC-MS:Meeting the Challenge of Protecting the 981-Mile Ohio River Webinar
GC-MSFully Automated GC-MS/MS Analysis of Environmental Contaminants in Surface Waters: A Recipe for Lower Cost in Your Lab - WebcastWebinar
LC-MSAnalyzing Emerging Contaminants - Microcystins and the Challenge of the UnknownWebinar
LC-MSFrom Sample to Knowledge: Strategies for Overcoming Challenges of Emerging Contaminants - PFC and SurfactantsWebinar
LC-MSImpact assessment of environmental samples for organic contaminants using untargeted / targeted analysis workflowWebinar
GC-MSAnalysis of Long - Chain Hydrocarbons and VOCs in Soil by GC-MSWebinar
GC-MSInstrument Demands on Routine Lab Analysis of VOCs in Soil Using EPA Regulated MethodsWebinar
GC-MSMaximizing Return for Routine Environmental Analysis, Part 1: Updating Outdated SVOC InstrumentationWebinar
GC-MSMaximizing Return for Routine Environmental Analysis, Part 2: Overcoming Challenges in VOC Analysis with Updated TechnologyWebinar
ICP-MSTrace Element Analysis Using ICP-MS for Environmental Samples
Part I: Regulations and Routine Monitoring
ICP-MSTrace Element Analysis Using ICP-MS for Environmental Samples
Part II: Meeting Routine Monitoring and Research Challenges
GC-MS single quadrupoleHow I Optimized My Solid Waste SVOC Analysis with a GC-MS WorkflowPodcast
ICP-MSFrom 2 Weeks to 2 Days: Automation Plus Speed Powers ICP-MS for ProductivityPodcast
Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE)Faster Environmental Sample Analysis with Accelerated Solvent ExtractionPodcast
Isotope Ratio Infrared Spectrometry (IRIS)Chasing Greenhouse Gases at Our Doorstep: Isotopes as a Tool to Identify Urban Carbon Dioxide SourcesPodcast
Orbitrap GC-MSAnalysis of Emerging Contaminants Series, Part 1: Identification of Iodinated Disinfection Byproducts by GC-MS/MSWebinar
Orbitrap LC-MSAnalysis of Emerging Contaminants Series, Part 2: Emerging Contaminant Studies in Environmental Biotechnology Using High Resolution LC-MSWebinar
Chromeleon CDS SoftwareEfficient Analytical Workflows, Part 2: Chromatography Data Management ToolsWebinar

Environmental community members periodically get updates on our environmental analytical solutions for inorganic ions, trace elements, and organic contaminants to ensure you stay current with modern technologies and analytical methods.

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