Advance your translational research with MyGeneChip Custom Array Program, offering gene expression and genotyping solutions tailored to your specific research needs that enable you to generate high resolution and reproducible data from a single array.

Define your research focus, choosing from human, plant, animal, or microbial genomes, and leverage content from catalog GeneChip expression arrays, your own RNA-Seq data, or a combination of both. MyGeneChip Custom Arrays are processed on GeneChip Scanner 3000 7G System or GeneTitan HT Microarray System, depending on your chosen array format.

Work closely with our Bioinformatics Chip Design Team from concept through design completion to help you succeed every step along the way. The Bioinformatics Chip Design Team has developed more than 1,000 custom designs resulting in hundreds of publications and is available to support you with your custom array needs—whether a standard design or an innovative technique.

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Available RNA and DNA analysis applications for creating your own custom solution

RNA analysis applications
Array type3' IVT expression cartridge3' IVT expression high-throughput (HT) plateGeneExonTiling


Gene expression

High-throughput gene expression

Whole-transcript gene expression

Alternative splicing

Transcriptome mapping


3' end of transcript

3' end of transcript

Whole-transcript sense strand

Whole-transcript sense strand

Whole-transcript double-stranded


  • Proven, industry-leading solution for whole-genome expression profiling
  • Increase confidence in your results with industry-leading resolution and highly reproducible data
  • Analyze your own data without bioinformatics expertise using the standard analysis workflow
  • Proven, industry-leading high-throughput solution for whole-genome expression profiling of up to 96 samples at a time
  • Increase confidence in your results with industry-leading resolution and highly reproducible data
  • Analyze your own data without bioinformatics expertise using the standard analysis workflow
  • Complete and unbiased 5' to 3' end coverage of gene expression
  • Get a more detailed look of possible transcript variants with this more refined representation of gene expression
  • Avoid complications of less annotated 3' ends of genes by interrogating across the entire transcript
  • One array offers two functions:
    • Exon-level analysis
    • Gene-level analysis
  • Comprehensive coverage of annotated and ab initio-predicted gene structures
  • Novel transcription and alternative splicing discovery potential
  • Published utility to verify genomic translocation events
  • Flexible transcriptome mapping application choices spanning gene regulation to DNA methylation
  • Design all of the content for your specific research application with the knowledge you're working with the highest-density and highest-resolution commercially available array
DNA analysis applications
Array type



Whole-genome genotyping


DNA resequencing

SNP genome-wide


Within 48 hours, generate up to 300 kb of unique, high-quality, double-stranded sequence with minimal PCR and sequence alignment.

Get more information in single experiment; interrogates up to 600 kb total, identifies both known and novel SNPs.

Minimize curation and assembly time with long "read lengths."

Bolster your confidence with high-quality data:*

  • Call rates >90%
  • Accuracy >99.9%
  • Reproducibility >99.9%

*includes haploid and diploid data

Maximize your study with whole-genome SNP analysis on a single array for plants, animals, and microbes.

Tile non-polymorphic copy number probes of your choosing onto your SNP array.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.