Multi-Omics Data Analysis

From data to actionable insights

Omics (proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, glycomics) experiments require sophisticated instruments and software platforms to analyze hundreds or thousands of molecules with confidence. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a suite of software tools, which focus on accuracy and productivity, to assist with your laboratory's data analysis goals.

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What kind of software are you interested in?

Data acquisition

Your samples contain information, knowledge and value. To access these valuable insights, you need to ensure that you acquire the highest quality data possible.

The instrument control software applications, Tune and Method Editor, on Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers, ensure that you collect high-quality data.  Learn more about the latest advancements in data acquisition.

Small molecule analysis

Identify known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns, as well as gain structural insights into your compounds and biological pathways. Access high-quality libraries, curated MS and MSn spectra using Thermo Scientific software packages to streamline the challenges of small molecule analysis.

Analysis of unknowns

Streamline your small molecule unknown identification process with mzCloud, the most curated mass spectral fragmentation library. Even when you have no search results, you can use sub-structural matches for putative identification by employing mzLogic to rank proposals.

mzLogic data analysis algorithm

When there is no match from your spectral library, you can combine spectral library similarity and sub-structural information and search in a completely new way. The mzLogic algorithm leverages real-world fragmentation information to automatically rank and propose the best candidates for your true unknowns.

Recommend for the following workflows:

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Protein analysis software

Characterize and quantify proteins as well as identify unknown proteins and proteoforms using Thermo Scientific software for protein analysis.

BioPharma Finder software

Screen, identify, and characterize your proteins with higher productivity and confidence. Confirm amino acid sequences, identify post-translational modifications (PTMs), or localize modifications using the automated top-down workflow. From intact protein through to peptide mapping and multi-attribute monitoring, the BioPharma Finder software helps you understand your therapeutics like never before.

Recommended for the following workflows:

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Lipid analysis software

Gain a better understanding of cellular physiology and pathology by identifying and quantifying lipids in your sample using Thermo Scientific software for lipid analysis.

Data acquisition

Your samples contain information, knowledge and value. To access these valuable insights, you need to ensure that you acquire the highest quality data possible.

The instrument control software applications, Tune and Method Editor, on Thermo Scientific mass spectrometers, ensure that you collect high-quality data.  Learn more about the latest advancements in data acquisition.

Small molecule analysis

Identify known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns, as well as gain structural insights into your compounds and biological pathways. Access high-quality libraries, curated MS and MSn spectra using Thermo Scientific software packages to streamline the challenges of small molecule analysis.

Analysis of unknowns

Streamline your small molecule unknown identification process with mzCloud, the most curated mass spectral fragmentation library. Even when you have no search results, you can use sub-structural matches for putative identification by employing mzLogic to rank proposals.

mzLogic data analysis algorithm

When there is no match from your spectral library, you can combine spectral library similarity and sub-structural information and search in a completely new way. The mzLogic algorithm leverages real-world fragmentation information to automatically rank and propose the best candidates for your true unknowns.

Recommend for the following workflows:

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Protein analysis software

Characterize and quantify proteins as well as identify unknown proteins and proteoforms using Thermo Scientific software for protein analysis.

BioPharma Finder software

Screen, identify, and characterize your proteins with higher productivity and confidence. Confirm amino acid sequences, identify post-translational modifications (PTMs), or localize modifications using the automated top-down workflow. From intact protein through to peptide mapping and multi-attribute monitoring, the BioPharma Finder software helps you understand your therapeutics like never before.

Recommended for the following workflows:

Learn more  Download free trial

Lipid analysis software

Gain a better understanding of cellular physiology and pathology by identifying and quantifying lipids in your sample using Thermo Scientific software for lipid analysis.