Our GC columns are designed to give optimum system performance for today’s challenging analyses, while our comprehensive range of GC accessories include all the tools needed by gas chromatographers. We have provided a small sample of some of the most commonly used columns and accessories below.
TG-5SilMS is a low polarity phase, ultra-inert low bleed column providing low LOD and LOQ. It is general-purpose and can be used for multiple pesticide residues analysis on GCMS.
TG-1MS and TG-5MS are non-polar, general-purpose columns used for the analysis of hydrocarbons, simulated distillation, solvent impurities on GC (and TG-1MS on GCMS also).
TR-5MS is a low polarity phase, general purpose column with exceptional inertness, used for GC and GCMS applications.
TG-624 is a general purpose, low polarity phase, high temperature column used on GC and GCMS. It is used for multiple pesticide residue analysis.