Advanced technologies that deliver cost savings, process optimization, and safer worker environments.

When properly applied, various technologies can help mining, coal, and mineral processing operations to run more efficiently, safely, and profitably. These proven technologies are beneficially used at every step in the operation to achieve process efficiencies, deliver better information for real-time and long-term decision making, improve product quality, assure worker health and safety, reduce costs, and meet increasingly demanding environmental and regulatory requirements. And because of our deep experience in the mining and minerals industry, you can be assured that these technologies are effectively deployed with a focus on improving the profitability of your operation.  

Personal dust monitoring (TEOM technology)

Particulate matter monitoring systems are used to protect miners’ health by monitoring individual exposure to dust and airborne debris.  Our personal dust monitoring systems employ tapered element oscillating microbalances (TEOM) technology and are “gravimetric” instruments that draw (then heat) ambient air through a filter at a constant flow rate, continuously weighing the filter and calculating near real-time mass concentrations of particulate matter. 


The TEOM monitor technique relies upon an exchangeable filter cartridge seated on the end of a hollow tapered tube. As particulate deposits land on the filter, the filter mass change is detected as a frequency change in the oscillation of the tube. The mass of the particulate matter is thus determined directly. When this mass change is combined with the flow rate through the system, the monitor yields an accurate measurement of the particulate concentration in real time. The major advantage of this method is that any changes in aerosol characteristics will not influence the accuracy of the mass measurement.

PDM3700 Personal Dust Monitor

Engineered for timely, high-quality personal dust exposure information, the Thermo Scientific PDM3700 Personal Dust Monitor protects miners’ health by tracking the shift-average respirable coal dust exposure as it approaches regulatory limits. Providing mine workers and management with the tools for personal coal dust monitoring and reducing their exposure, the PDM3700 real time dust monitor is the first line of defense in preventing long-term health effects.


Fugitive dust monitoring

Fugitive dust is typically created through activities such as the physical movement of soil, vehicles traveling over unpaved surfaces, heavy equipment operation, blasting, and wind. Most regions have established exposure limits on projects that typically result in high levels of particulate generation and the exposure limits are written into the operating permit.


Monitoring for fugitive dust exposure requires instrumentation that provides a quick response, is dependable, can be quickly deployed or relocated, and has the performance capabilities stated in the governing guidelines or within the site permit.  Our area dust monitors utilize highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology.  This optical configuration produces optimal response to particles, providing continuous measurements of the concentrations of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1, allowing operators to take immediate corrective action when necessary.

Personal DataRAM pDR-1500 Aerosol Monitor

The Thermo Scientific Personal DataRAM pDR-1500 Aerosol Monitor is capable of compensating for all typical environmental variables. The pDR-1500 monitor is outfitted for relative humidity compensation, true volumetric flow, pressure compensation, and legacy pDR nephelometry technology. The pDR-1500 aerosol monitor also features interchangeable cyclones for superior particle-cut points available for PM10 & PM4 or PM2.5, and PM1, as well as an integrated sample filter that enables post-gravimetric validation of all data. At 41 oz., it's as easy to wear it on the belt as it is to run it in a fixed location.


ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor

The Thermo Scientific ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor incorporates a temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor coupled with an internal heater to mitigate the positive bias with elevated ambient RH. Additionally, the flow control is truly volumetric and is maintained through digital feedback of the onboard barometric pressure sensor, temperature sensor, and calibrated differential pressure across a precision orifice. The principles of true volumetric flow, as incorporated by the ADR1500 monitor, result in an accurate sample volume and precise particle cut-point.


Coal blending technology

The advanced materials analysis instrumentation available to mining operations delivers unprecedented improvements in efficiency and profitability.  These improvements can be further extended through specialized software and informatics.  Our COBOS solution controls sorting and blending equipment with software that continuously monitors coal quality and composition.  

COBOS Coal Blend Optimization System

The Thermo Scientific COBOS Coal Blend Optimization System can blend up to six coal sources to make a "recipe" consisting of up to five quality parameters, such as ash, sulfur, moisture or even ash oxides or ratios of ash oxides. Blend recipes can be predefined for different quality targets and priorities while using fewer high cost or scarce coal resources.


Continuous emissions monitoring systems

Many mine sites utilize coal-fired power plants to produce the energy they need.  The burning of coal releases many pollutants, including sulfur dioxide (SO2) and various particulate matter. The smokestacks from these power plants also emit greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which are detrimental to the environment and health.


Continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) are used to monitor these harmful substances, allowing plants to reduce emissions where necessary and meet regulatory requirements.  The system includes probes that are installed in stack and transfer gas to analyzers in the shelter.

iQ Compliance Monitoring Systems

Help ensure ambient air quality for worker safety and regulatory compliance with reliable technology. Thermo Scientific ambient air monitoring equipment measures air quality, low and high levels of criteria pollutants, as well as other gases and toxins. The environment is a continuous source of critical information.


Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS)

Comply with US EPA guidelines while meeting your own specific monitoring needs with the customizable Thermo Scientific Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems. These continuous stack emission monitoring systems are designed to meet US EPA 40CFR Parts 60 and 75 standards while providing unsurpassed sensitivity, accuracy and reliability.


Mercury Freedom System

Measure elemental, ionic and total mercury in exhaust stacks from coal-fired boilers and waste incinerators with the Thermo Scientific Mercury Freedom System. Meet or exceed performance specifications outlined in U.S. EPA PS-12A and/or Part 75 provisions for continuous Mercury CEM systems in addition to the latest MATS and MACT rules.

Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis/Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PGNAA/PFTNA)

Used for real-time quality control in process optimization, PGNAA/PFTNA technology provides high frequency online elemental analysis of an entire raw material process stream. Analyzers using PGNAA/PFTNA are situated directly on the conveyor belt and penetrate the whole raw material cross-section, delivering minute-by-minute, uniform measurement of the entire material stream, not just a sample.


PGNAA/PFTNA delivers an advantage over other surface analysis technologies such as X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and spectral analysis technologies that can only measure limited depths and surface areas which may not be representative of the entire amount of material on the belt. 

CB Omni Agile Online Elemental Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific CB Omni Agile Online Elemental Analyzer provides high frequency online elemental analysis of an entire raw material process stream to deliver consistent material quality, improve process efficiency, and minimize production costs in a variety of different process and mining operations: limestone, copper, iron ore, nickel, phosphate, cement production, sintering, and more.

GS Omni Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific GS Omni analyzer provides accurate, real-time elemental analysis of multiple slurry streams for both light and heavy elements. Using the Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technique, the GS Omni has a distinct advantage over analyzers using X-ray fluorescence by being able to measure elements lower than calcium on the periodic table. This elemental analyzer helps enable improvements in product quality, recovery and lower production costs.

CQM FLEX Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific CQM FLEX Analyzer helps minimize variations in coal quality, ensure contract compliance, and improve efficiency. It incorporates either Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation (PGNAA) or Pulsed Fast Thermal Neutron Activation (PFTNA), and it provides the option of sourcing the neutrons from traditional Cf-252 radioactive sources or via an electrically driven neutron generator. The CQM FLEX Analyzer measures and reports levels of sulfur, moisture, total ash, calorific value, ash elemental concentration, and other critical parameters required by both coal consumers and producers to maximize the use of coal resources and reduce pollutants.

ECA-3 Elemental Crossbelt Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific ECA-3 Elemental Crossbelt Analyzer uses Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) technology to help facilitate coal sorting, blending and out-of seam dilution control. The ECA-3 is designed to mount around an existing conveyor belt and analyze the composition of the total burden of coal on the belt in real-time.

Radiation detection

Mining industries and those that utilize mined minerals and materials as raw materials are exposed to a variety of naturally occurring radiation sources.  For example, coal contains trace amounts of naturally occurring radioactive elements. And because of the extensive use of radioactive measurement and analysis techniques (e.g. X-ray and Gamma ray analyzers) in mining operations and processing plants, the potential for exposure increases dramatically.  Both natural and man-made sources of radiation are potentially dangerous and life threatening if not managed appropriately. 


Detection of various types of radiation throughout the process is paramount to worker safety and quality control.  Radiation detection technology can be delivered by way of multiple devices, each suited for the type of radiation to be monitored, the environmental circumstances and source. 


Handheld radiation detection devices provide real time detection of gamma radiation with accurate dose rate measurements, verify the radioactive find and assess whether radioactivity is of natural or artificial (man-made) origin. Portable devices with high sensitivity neutron response and alarm threshold can be worn to monitor gamma sensitivity and energy compensated dose rate measurement.

RIIDEye X/M Series Handheld Radiation Isotope Identifiers

It is critical to know the exact isotope of the radioactive material in order to assess the potential threat and quickly initiate a plan of action. The Thermo Scientific™ RIIDEye Radioisotope Identification Devices (RIIDs) are well suited to support users from homeland security operations to contamination monitoring and remediation, with the industry’s fastest, most accurate and easy to use RIID.

RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters

Quickly identify mixed radioactive surface contamination in facility and field environments with Thermo Scientific RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose Survey Meters. Simple, robust and reliable contamination and dose rate measurement tools for characterizing alpha, beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. RadEye B20 and B20-ER Multi-Purpose handheld Geiger counters provide an on-site solution for industrial workers.


RadEye SPRD and SPRD-ER Personal Radiation Detectors

Respond quickly and decisively to real radiation threats with the new standard in detection and interdiction of illicit radiation. Thermo Scientific RadEye SPRD and SPRD-ER Personal Radiation Detectors are handheld radiation monitors that offer a unique combination of detector sensitivity and intelligent alarming to help ensure detection in the most challenging applications. RadEye SPRD and SPRD-ER radiation detectors identify and categorize specific types of radiation or radioactive material and can be configured to support your missions or user skills. Combining significant detector sensitivity for search and find with accurate high dose rate radiation measurement, the RadEye SPRD-ER is a suitable instrument for all users. 

X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is among the most effective non-destructive tools for identifying and characterizing polycrystalline materials with respect to their crystallography, polymorphic structures, phases, and crystallinity changes. By measuring the diffraction angle of a primary X-ray beam according to Bragg’s Law (λ = 2d sinθ, with λ: wavelength, d: d spacing, θ: diffraction angle), it is possible to characterize and identify various polycrystalline materials in many research and industrial applications.


These XRD solutions are routinely used in geological samples including complete phase analysis of minerals.

ARL X’TRA Companion X-ray Diffractometer

Advanced benchtop X-ray diffractometer. Thermo Scientific ARL X’TRA Companion is a θ/θ Bragg-Brentano benchtop X-ray diffractometer perfectly suited for routine analysis thanks to a state-of-the-art configuration, using the latest technical features to grant accuracy, precision, safety and ease of use.

ARL EQUINOX 100 X-ray Diffractometer

The Thermo Scientific ARL EQUINOX 100 X-ray Diffractometer is a dedicated XRD instrument for QA/QC applications.  Occupying a third of the space of a conventional diffractometer, this stand-alone, transportable benchtop instrument offers true flexibility. No external water cooling is required, and it plugs into a standard electrical power outlet. This instrument simplifies operation without sacrificing speed or performance. Thanks to a specific real time detection mode, measurements are completed in a few seconds.

ARL X900 high-throughput XRF and XRD integrated system

The Thermo Scientific ARL X900 XRF Spectrometer is a strong and reliable XRF analyzer with XRD capabilities designed for modern mining production and process control. It provides precise and quick elemental analysis results to meet various process control needs. Built for reliability and durability, it can handle tough industrial environments. The ARL X900 spectrometer features a safe 'tube above' design and a large vacuum chamber that ensures stable analytical conditions, reducing the need for unplanned maintenance and ensuring excellent short- and long-term stability for accurate results. 

Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence and Sampling Technology (EDXRF)

Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) is a convenient technology to screen all kinds of materials, including slurry, for quick identification and quantification of elements with little or no sample preparation. EDXRF is designed to analyze groups of elements simultaneously. This type of XRF instrumentation separates the characteristic X-rays of different elements into a complete fluorescence energy spectrum which is then processed for qualitative or quantitative analysis. Filters positioned between sample and detector are used to improve signal, background reduction, and focus on certain regions of the spectra. EDXRF instruments can have one of two types of excitation geometry; direct excitation, or 2D optics, and indirect excitation, also called 3D optics. The purpose of these geometries is to remove the background below the characteristic element lines in the spectrum and to increase the peak-to-background ratio (peak-to-noise). Both types rely on an energy dispersive detector and an X-ray tube; the difference is in the optic path.

AnStat-330 Online Sampling and Elemental Analysis Station

Achieve exceptional availability, sampling precision, and analyzer accuracy with a single stream, dedicated online slurry analyzer and sampling station. The Thermo Scientific AnStat-330 Online Sampling and Elemental Analysis Station incorporates multiple stages to progressively sub-sample the slurry stream before delivering metallurgical accounting quality composite samples through a final stage metallurgical sampler. The dedicated and continuous in-stream analysis allows operators to quickly respond to process upsets and changing conditions.


MSA-330 Multi-Stream Slurry XRF Analyzer

Get reliable, accurate, cost-effective elemental analysis of up to 12 slurry streams with the Thermo Scientific MSA-330 Multi-Stream Slurry XRF Analyzer. Each stream is kept in a separate analysis zone, ensuring no cross-contamination. With no multiplexer required, the MSA analyzer has low head loss, saving elevation in the plant which can lead to significant savings in engineering and installation. The information provided by the MSA analyzer allows plant operators to follow process trends in real time and make manual or automated changes to optimize the process.

MEP-300 Upgrade Package for MSA and AnStat

Improve XRF elemental slurry analysis without the need for liquid nitrogen with the Thermo Scientific MEP-300 Multi-Element Probe. The MEP-300 probe uses an advanced Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) and has been developed to replace both MEP and MEP-200 liquid nitrogen cooled X-ray fluorescence immersion probes used in the AnStat and MSA X-ray analyzer products.

ARL QUANT’X EDXRF Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific ARL QUANT'X EDXRF Spectrometer provides major, minor, and trace element quantification across the broadest range of samples, including bulk solids, granules, loose or pressed powders, fused beads, thin films, pastes, and liquids.


SamStat-30 Representative Slurry Sampling Stations

The Thermo Scientific SamStat-30 sampling station provides periodic composite samples of a full slurry stream for metallurgical accounting. It uses a series of tanks featuring fixed and cross cutters and a variable speed mixer to produce a representative sample. A variety of models and options are available to fulfill your sampling requirements, including continuous sampling for an online analyzer, sampling for particle size analysis, outlet distribution, and screening of oversized particles. These systems enable improvements in accountability, process efficiency and profitability.


Particle Size Analyzer PSM-500

The Thermo Scientific Particle Size Analyzer PSM-500 provides accurate feedback for the optimization of grinding circuit performance helping customers not only to enhance mineral recovery and quality but also to optimize their energy efficiency during the process. This unit is a rugged on-line particle size analyzer which pulls its own continuous sample using a vacuum eductor. To assist with the ultrasonic measurement, the sample is de-aerated in the sample conditioner before it passes between diametrically opposed ultrasonic sensors and is returned to the process.


Gravity Feed Sampler

The Thermo Scientific Gravity Feed Sampler is a simple, cost-effective alternative to produce a sample for a multi-stream analyzer. The gravity sampler is available in a range of sizes to suit your process flow and uses a cutter and nozzle to manage the sample flow rate. It has an inspection point that allows for easy maintenance and inspection. 

Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF)

Wavelength-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) is a well-established elemental analysis technique for geological materials, from carbon to uranium, in a wide variety of samples with accuracy, precision, and reliability. WDXRF technology uses crystals to separate the fluorescence spectrum into individual wavelengths of each element, providing high resolution and low background spectra for accurate determination of elemental concentrations. Apart from the economically important elements, WDXRF can also identify and quantify toxic or undesirable elements or compounds which can adversely affect the final product or the environment.


The Thermo Scientific ARL OPTIM'X WDXRF Spectrometer provides all the benefits of wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF), one of the most versatile methods for elemental analysis of solids and liquids. The system is available in four preconfigured packages specifically suited for analysis in the petroleum, cement, and slags industries or for multi-purpose requirements in analytical laboratories.

X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials. XRF analyzers work by measuring the fluorescent (or secondary) X-rays emitted from a sample when excited by a primary X-ray source. Each of the elements present in a sample produces a set of characteristic fluorescent X-rays, or “unique fingerprints.” These fingerprints are distinct for each element, making XRF analysis an excellent tool for quantitative and qualitative measurements. 


Handheld XRF analyzers are a reliable method to analyze ore samples in open pits and underground mines – achieving the accuracy required to provide defensible information for process oversight, quality assurance, and various other operational decisions (such as grade control). Portable XRF technology can help ascertain the viability of lower grade resources and find localized high-grade enrichments, delineate ore from waste boundaries to reduce the randomness of digging, and obtain defensible data and minimize the need to send samples to external testing labs.

Niton XL5 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific Niton XL5 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer is a reliable method to analyze ore samples in open pits and underground mines – achieving the accuracy required to provide defensible information for process oversight, quality assurance, and various other operational decisions (such as grade control). Get real time qualitative and quantitative evaluation of Rare Earth Element (REE) projects, determine penalty and toxic elements, analyze blends and sort raw materials, and flag grade, sub-grade and waste to prevent taking ores to the waste heap.

Niton XL3t GOLDD+ Handheld XRF Analyzer

The Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t GOLDD+ Handheld XRF Analyzer provides fast, accurate analysis of light elements, identifies anomalies near the averages naturally found in the earth's crust, and facilitates advanced exploration and soil analysis for concentrate measurement, ore blending, precious metal identification, and lab analysis prequalification.

Niton XL2 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzer

Thermo Scientific Niton XL2 Plus Handheld XRF Analyzers provide fast geochemical analysis of outcrop and soils and enable you to perform mapping of unexplored areas. With on-board GPS, you’ll chart exact coordinates to avoid displacing key discoveries, save days and weeks during the exploration process by no longer waiting for test results, and save money on external lab tests by deploying pre-screening of samples to minimize additional costs.

ARL X900 Simultaneous/Sequential XRF Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific ARL X900 spectrometer is a robust WDXRF analyzer with XRD capabilities designed for modern mining production and process control. It provides precise and quick elemental analysis results to meet various process control needs. Built for reliability and durability, it can handle tough industrial environments. The ARL X900 features a safe 'tube above' design and a large vacuum chamber that ensures stable analytical conditions, reducing the need for unplanned maintenance and ensuring excellent short- and long-term stability for accurate results. 

ARL PERFORM’X Sequential X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Solve analytical challenges in a wide range of applications with one comprehensive tool for advanced materials characterization. The Thermo Scientific ARL PERFORM'X Sequential X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer integrates bulk elemental analysis with mapping and small spot analysis to create a solution that evaluates elements from beryllium to americium in nearly any solid or liquid sample.

ARL QUANT’X EDXRF Spectrometer

Get composition data on virtually any sample in minutes. The Thermo Scientific ARL QUANT'X EDXRF Spectrometer provides major, minor, and trace element quantification across the broadest range of samples, including bulk solids, granules, loose or pressed powders, fused beads, thin films, pastes, and liquids.