Front angle on the VeritiPro Thermal Cycler, including the user interface home screen

The Applied Biosystems Veriti Thermal Cycler set a new standard for innovation when this thermocycler launched in 2007. It was the first thermal cycler to employ an LCD touchscreen interface, multiple temperature zone block, and web-enabled remote-control software. Building on these innovations, the VeritiPro Thermal Cycler upgrade features the latest block technology and connectivity options. These advancements provide higher ramp rates, quieter runs, and more intuitive VeriFlex temperature optimization setup while continuing to offer the same high-end performance.

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96- and 384-well options for gradient thermocycler VeritiPro Thermal Cycler

The VeritiPro Thermal Cycler comes with two options:

  1. 96-well fixed block with 6 VeriFlex zones for user-independent temperature control
  2. 384-well fixed and isothermal block

Gradient temperature control is a feature of thermal cyclers to help primer annealing in PCR. However, thermal cyclers equipped with “better-than-gradient” technology are alternatives that help improve temperature control for primer annealing. These metal blocks often come with three or more segmented blocks, each with separate heating and cooling elements. VeritiPro Thermal Cycler is equipped with “better-than-gradient” technology, namely Veriflex Blocks.

We've made Veriti Thermal Cycler even better—Meet VeritiPro Thermal Cycler

Watch this video to view features and capabilities of our gradient thermocycler, VeritiPro Thermal Cycler.

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Stay in control with Thermal Cycler Fleet Control Software

Diagram of multiple thermal cyclers connected to one tablet to represent Fleet Control Software

Manage multiple users, methods, and instruments with a single intuitive interface securely behind your firewall.

Learn more about Thermal Cycler Fleet Control Software

High-performance PCR and qPCR plastics for optimal results

Five multi-colored PCR tube plates

Applied Biosystems PCR plastics have been designed and validated to work with our thermal cyclers for more than 25 years. Options for every format and throughput need are available to ensure consistent, precise results for end-point PCR applications. Quickly find the right fit and compatible plastics for your desired model and block formats by using our plastics selection guide.

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We provide a full range of service options for all Applied Biosystems thermal cyclers.

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Multiplex Dynamic Temperature Verification Service

Instrument qualification service: Have one of our engineers perform temperature qualifications at your site.

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