We have collaborated with The Parkinson’s Institute in Sunnyvale, California, to demonstrate how to develop cellular models to identify drugs that may ameliorate the underlying processes of Parkinson’s disease (PD). In a series of white papers, we described three steps for creating PD cell models using Life Technologies tools for generation of NSCs, iPSCs, and editing the genome. We have collected a set of resources here to help enable your disease modeling research.


What assay?Workflow stepWhat instrument?What consumable?Protocol or user guide
iPSC characterization - EB formation immunostainingDifferentiateEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging StationantibodiesCreation of Embryoid Bodies from iPSCs 
NSC generationDifferentiateEVOS® XL Imaging SystemPSC Neural Induction MediumInduction of Neural Stem Cells Using Gibco® PSC Neural Induction Medium
NSC differentiation - DA neuronDifferentiateEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging Station50X B-27® Serum-Free Supplement, 100X N-2 SupplementDifferentiating Neural Stem Cells into Neurons
NSC differentiation - glialDifferentiateEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging Station50X B-27® Serum-Free Supplement, 100X N-2 SupplementDifferentiating Neural Stem Cells into Glial Cells

What assay?Workflow stepWhat instrument?What consumable?Protocol or user guide
Search for additional mutationsCharacterizeIon PGM™ SequencerAmpliSeq™ Inherited Disease PanelIon Torrent Protocol Community
iPSC characterization - cytogeneticCharacterizeNoneKaryoMAX® Giemsa Stain SolutionGiemsa Banding (“GTG” Banding)
iPSC characterization - pluripotent markers immunostainingCharacterizeEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging Stationantibodies

TRA 1-60 antibody
TRA-1-81 antibody
SSEA4 Antibody
Hoechst 33342
Oct4 Antibody
Goat Anti–Mouse IgG Antibodies

iPSC characterization - pluripotent markers immunostainingCharacterizeEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging Station

PSC 4-Marker Immunocytochemistry Kit
PSC (OCT4, SSEA4) Immunocytochemistry Kit
PSC (SOX2, TRA-1-60) Immunocytochemistry Kit

PSC Immunocytochemistry Kits (4-Marker) (OCT4, SSEA4) (SOX2, TRA-1-60) - User Manual
iPSC characterization - pluripotent markers flow analysisCharacterizeAttune® Acoustic Focusing CytometerantibodiesAttune® Acoustic Focusing Cytometer
iPSC characterization - gene expression profileCharacterizeQuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR SystemTaqMan® OpenArray® Human Stem Cell PanelTaqMan® OpenArray® Pathway Panels
CharacterizeRNAlater® Stabilization SolutionRNAlater® Tissue Collection: RNA Stabilization Solution
CharacterizeRNAqueous® -4PCR Total RNA Isolation KitRNAqueous® -4PCR Kit Kit for Isolation of DNA-free RNA
CharacterizeSuperScript® VILO™ Master MixUsing SuperScript® VILO™ MasterMix
iPSC characterizationCharacterizeQuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR SystemTaqMan® hPSC Scorecard™ PanelUsing the TaqMan® hPSC Scorecard™ Panel
Detection of transgenesCharacterizeQuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR SystemTaqMan® iPSC Sendai Detection KitUsing the TaqMan® iPSC Sendai Detection Kit
Cell line authenticationCharacterize3130xL Genetic AnalyzerAuthentiFiler™ PCR Amplification KitAuthentiFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit
NSC characterization - cytogeneticCharacterizeNoneKaryoMAX® Giemsa Stain SolutionGiemsa Banding (“GTG” Banding)
NSC characterization - NSC  immunostainingCharacterizeEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging StationHuman Neural Stem Cell Immunocytochemistry KitUsing the Human Neural Stem Cell Immunocytochemistry Kit
NSC characterization - NSC markers flow analysisCharacterizeAttune® Acoustic Focusing CytometerantibodiesAttune® Acoustic Focusing Cytometer
Cell line authenticationCharacterize3130xL Genetic AnalyzerAuthentiFiler™ PCR Amplification KitAuthentiFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit
Characterization - DA neuron immunostainingCharacterizeEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging StationantibodiesCharacterizing NSCs and Differentiated Lineages by Immunocytochemistry
Characterization - glial immunostainingCharacterizeEVOS® FLoid® Cell Imaging StationantibodiesCharacterizing NSCs and Differentiated Lineages by Immunocytochemistry
NSC characterization - gene expression profileCharacterizeQuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR SystemTaqMan® OpenArray® Human Stem Cell PanelTaqMan® OpenArray® Pathway Panels
CharacterizeRNAlater® Stabilization SolutionRNAlater® Tissue Collection: RNA Stabilization Solution
CharacterizeRNAqueous® -4PCR Total RNA Isolation KitRNAqueous® -4PCR Kit Kit for Isolation of DNA-free RNA
CharacterizeSuperScript® VILO™ Master MixUsing SuperScript® VILO™ MasterMix
Gene expression profiling of differentiated NSCsCharacterizeQuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR SystemCustom TaqMan® OpenArray® PCR PlateTaqMan® OpenArray® Pathway Panels
Cell health assaysCharacterize PrestoBlue® Cell Viability ReagentPrestoBlue® Cell Viability Reagent Protocol
 Characterize CellEvent™ Caspase-3/7 Green DetectionCellEvent™ Caspase-3/7 Green Detection Reagent
 Characterize CellROX® Green ReagentCellROX® Oxidative Stress Reagents
 Characterize MitoSOX™ Red Mitochondrial Superoxide IndicatorMitoSOX™ Red Mitochondrial Superoxide Indicator
 Characterize StaurosporineUsing staurosporine to induce apoptosis


All webinars were recorded at the 24 Hours of Stem Cells Event, November 2013.

On Demand

Life Technologies and The Parkinson's Institute collaborate to understand the molecular basis for Parkinson's disease
Roland Leathers, PhD

View Webinar
On Demand

Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from Parkinson's disease fibroblasts
Connie Lebakken, PhD

View Webinar
On Demand

Generation and characterization of neural stem cells from Parkinson's disease donor-derived iPSCs
Kun Bi, PhD

View Webinar
On Demand

Genome editing of Parkinson's disease iPSCs using GeneArt® Precision TALs technology
Spencer Hermanson

View Webinar



Creating Integration-free iPSCs and NSCs to Model Parkinson’s Disease by Dr. Birgitt Schuele

View seminar


Scientific Posters

Research Highlights

These highlights are brief PDFs describing how a particular product was used in this research.


CytoTune®-iPS Sendai Reprogramming Kit

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TaqMan® hPSC Scorecard™ Panel

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